Electricity and direct current circuits

3.electric circuits

8.converting electrical energy

5.open circuits and closed circuits

4.representive circuits

  1. conductor and insulators

7.Main electric varibles

6.types of circuits


Is a form of energy that lets negatively charged particles (electrons) move one atom to another

Material that let electric current flow through them (for example, copper, tin, aluminium, silver and iron) are called conductors

An electric circuit is a series of interconnected components that an electric carrent flows through to produce an effect ( like light, heat, sound or motion).

We represent electrical circuits with a very simple drawing called an electrical schematic. Every components in a circuit has a standadardised symbol the represent simple an anybody can understand.

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Circuits are controlled by switches that open

and close the circuit when they are possed

A circuit is open when the energy of the power source cannot, so the electric current cannot flow

A circuit is clossed when the energy of the power source reaches the load device, so the electric currents flows.

Voltage: these is difference in the charge between two points ( negative terminal and positive terminal). When we connect a cell to a circuit.

Resistenece: These is the oposite to the flow of electric current

Current: This is the intensity of the current or te amount of the electron flowing through a conductor

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Heat: When electros move trough a conductor of load device, they create friction with the material as they pass trough, wich producce heat.

Motion: We can also convert electricity to motion using a motor. The effect obtained when we make an electricity current flow.

Light: We cant convert electricity to light throuh load devices such as incandescent lamps.

Sound: We can use electrical energy to transmite sound through microphone and we can produce some effect through sirens, buzzers and bells.

Series circuit: Is these circuit, all the componnents are connected one after the other. This way at the current flows through the load device.

Parallel circuits: These circuits, the load device are connected one different branches of the wire.







