Electricity and direct current circuits
Electricity. Electrical energy:
Conductors and insulators
The´re made up of very small particules called atoms.we can classify these tiny particles according to their charge into three types:protons, neutrons and electrons.
Between them are forces of atraction or repulsion that generate electricity:
Electricity: is a form of energy that lets negatively charged particle move from one atom to another.
Insulators are materials that do not let electric current flow through them
Electric current: is the flow of electrons from one atom to another inside a conductive material.
Electrons cannot move spontaneosly there has to be a componenet that causes this flow of electrons.
Electrical energy: is the most common form of energy because it is easy to obtain,it can be trasported over long distances and it easly be trasformed into many other forms of energy.
Wires are made from copper but have a plastic casing to protect us from the electric current
Conductors are materials thet let electric current flow through them.
An electric circuit is a series of interconnected components that an electric current flows through to produce an effect.
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There are main components in an electric circuit : power sources, conductors, load devices and control devices
Control devices: regulate the circuit, examples: one-way switches, push switches and two-way switches.
Power sources : components that supply the necessary electrical energy to the rest of the circuit. The generations in a circuit are cels and batteries.
Conductors: Components that transform the electrical energy to the load devices. The conductive compnents of a circuit are wires.
Load devices: components that receive the electrical energy from the power sources and convert it to other types of useful energy
Representing circuits: electrical schematics
Every component in a circuit has a standarsided symbol to represent it in a simple way that anybody can understand
Components of a circuit
Power sources
Cell: Supplies electrical energy to the rest of the circuit.
Battery: A grouped set of cells
Load devices
Lamp: converts electrical energy to light energy
Motor: converts electrical energy to kinetic energy
Buzzer: converts electrical energy to sound energy
Resistor: a load device that opposes the flow of the electric current. Converts electrical energy to heat energy
Wire: the component that the electrial current flows through
Control devices
One-way switch: open or close the circuit when they are pressed.
Push switch: open and close the circuit but only while the button is pushed.
Two- way switch: have two positions
Open and closed circuits
Open: when the energy of the power source cnnot reach the load devices
Closed: when the energy of the power source reaches the load devices