Digital Technology - How Digital Systems Represent and Transmit Data




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There are lots of Transistors used in the computer to let us see images and words on our devices

Transistors are used to show images. There are about 60 Million Transistors in a computer

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A bit is a Binary Digit, the Smallest Increment of Data on a Computer

A Bit can only hold one of two numbers, 0 and 1

Bits are very small so very rarely you would work with Information with one Bit at a time

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Binary Code

This is a diagram of Bytes and the cycle of what they are

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A Pixel is one of the small dots or squares that create an image.

The more pixels you have make the image more realistic and accurate

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1 Decameter - 10 Minecraft Blocks 160 Pixels

1 Meter - 1 Minecraft Blocks 16 Pixels

1 Decimeter 0.1 Minecraft Blocks 1.6 Pixels

1 Centimeter 0.01 Minecraft Blocks 0.16 pixe

the numbers are 0 & 1 for Binary Code

Computers are made up of a grid of pixels.

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The Binary Code started off as a image that was converted into numbers. Then the TRANSISTORS repressent each number to show data

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Each pixel is made up of red, blue, and green lighting elements that are used in different combinations to make millions of different colors and effects.