Team Assisted Individualisation (TAI) in Cooperative Learning

What is it?
Team Assisted Individualisation (TAI) (Slavin, Leavey, & Madden, 1984) involves having students work on individualised mathematics units in heterogeneous, cooperative learning groups. Students manage almost all.

How to conduct TAI?
i. Students are placed in an individual sequence of the learning materials based on a test performance. ii. They earn points for their respective teams by passing the final tests, completing multiple units, and submitting assignments.
iii. Students then take their final unit tests individually.

Student teams-achievement divisions (STAD)

Cooperative learning strategy

Describe Cooperative Learning and its elements/principle

small groups of learners with different levels of ability work together to accomplish a shared learning goal.


-Cooperative learning is an educational approach which aims to organize classroom activities into academic and social learning experiences.
-student working together and share learning goal


Positive interdependence Students must work together to achieve the goal.

Individual accountability Each student in the group is responsible for doing his/her share of the work.

Positive interdependence Students must work together to achieve the goal

Teams differ from groups because they include the following basic elements of cooperative learning:
•Goals are shared
•Information is circulated
•Roles are assigned
•Materials are managed
•Teammates depend on each other to complete tasks successfully
•Students gain respect for each other’s contributions to the team

Room Arrangement •
Quiet Signal •
Teacher and Student Modeling •
Manageable Noise Level •
Efficient Distribution of Materials •
Class Rules and Procedures

•Class building/•Teambuilding
Activities for team and classbuilding provide unique learning experiences not afforded by traditional emphasis on academic content

•Social Skills

•Basic Principles
Four Basic Principles to Cooperative Learning Positive Interdependence Individual Accountability Equal Participation Simultaneous Interaction

How to do Jigsaw _8034395

  1. Each small group would be created with one student receiving one subcategory of the topic

4.Have students meet in Expert Groups. (team same subtopipc/question from all big group)

  1. Divide the topic into subcategories
  1. Students return to Jigsaw Groups.
  1. Divide students into 6- or 7 person jigsaw groups


  1. Assess all students on all the content

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  1. Purpose and motivation: Teacher convey all the objectives of learning and motivate students in learning

  1. Grouping: Students are divided into a group of 4/5 students
  1. Presentation (Teacher): Deliver teaching materials by verbal/text
  1. Team Work: Students discuss the material in group
  1. Quiz (Evaluation)

group investigation

How to do Group [group investigation](Refer, Slavin 2008)

  1. Evaluation
  1. Presenting final report
  1. Preparing final report
  1. Carrying out investigations
  1. Planning the learning task
  1. Identifying the topic, and organizing pupils into groups
  1. Recognition

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Timungki, G. (2015)

8 components of TAI

three main concepts of STAD as team rewards, individual accountability and for equal opportunities for success