Political Parties 2.2 - Conservatism:
The Conservative party Factions:
Beliefs & Background:
Expresses traditional values
Comprised of tory MPs
Founded in 2005 by Edward Leigh & John Hayes
Stand for monarchy, traditional family/marriage
Pride in Britain
Non-state dependancy
Against political correctness
Jacob Rees-Mogg MP
Conservative Way Forward:
Founded in 1991 by Thatcher
Want to defend & build on achievements of Thatcher and adapt her values to Britain today
9 values including: Democracy, Capitalism, Nationhood and Deregulation
Tory Reform Group:
Promotes values of One Nation Conservatism
Established 1975
Pressure group closely related to Tory party
Seeks to ensure the tory party is run by the principles of one nationism
Advocates benefits of society founded on freedom, individual responsibility and community
Senior figures: Michael Heseltine, Ken Clarke - supported Cameron
Strands of conservatism:
One-nation conservatism:
Reaction from Disraeli (PM) as they were worried people would revolt against as socialism was on the rise in Europe
Key Principles:
Human Nature:
Pessimistic view - stress competitive nature
Humans liable to fall into disorder - easily lead
Crave order and security over individual freedom
Preservation of tradition = vital for public order
Very fact values & institutions have survived is testament to their quality - carry accumulated wisdom and should be respected
Tradition gives sense of continuity and security
Organic Society:
Concern of growing divide between classes
Strand supports measures that aim to reduce conflict between classes and oppose those that create too much inequality
Organic society - individuals are tied together by common sense of being members of an interdependant society
Oakeshott: politics should be "a conservation, not an argument" - meaning political action should not be as a result of political dogma and theory
Flexible approach to politics
Rejection of politics tied strongly by ideology
Right to own your own home and enjoy security is fundamental element of civilised society
New Right Conservatism (Thatcherism):
Thatcher influenced by Reagan
Both concerned by socialism - heightened by USSR
Felt trad cons were too weak on social & economic policies
Neo-Liberalism (economics) & Neo-Conservatism (social)
laissez faire economies - let it be - state shouldn't interfere
Free-market & privatisation = good
TUs shouldn't be too powerful
'Dependancy culture' = bad
Taxes should be low - encourages hard work as businesses get to keep more
Small, but strong state
Trad ideas on morality and lifestyles
Strong law and order - maintain security
V. patriotic
Dislike multi-national organisations (EU)
Recent changes to the Conservative party:
The Economy:
Balancing the budget - lowering the deficit under Cameron
Budgets of major departments cut by 25%
May - small increase in spending after austerity
Limit on corporate tax to encourage business
Free markets & trade have been staple in all Govs
Covid - gov had to be much more interventionist
Johnson's 2019 GE plans mostly got scrapped cus of Covid
Law & Order:
Tough on crime to deter - Patel - Rwanda
Sentencing should be in hands of elected gov, not unelected judges - law, muder of key workers gets life in prison
Opposes legalisation of drugs
Covid - restrictions on civil liberties
Tougher means testing introed by Cameron - benefits cap on families, no benefits on more than 2 kids - harder for people to claim
increase minimum wage to encourage people to work
protect education & NHS but allow private comps to influence
Covid-19 - furlough payments, increased benefit
Foreign policy:
Cameron & May follow Thatcher - strong links with US - failed slightly - May & Johnson = global Britain as result of Brexit
Johnson - strong response to Brexit and EU
UK should be independent in security - so Trident is needed
Increase of £16.5bn to defence spending - expected to rise since Ukraine