Immune System                 Gabriela Perez p.7 

lymphatic vessels they are the thinner then the veins

lymph movement

lymphatic tissue and organs

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muscular activity move lymph through lymphatic vessel

Hydrostatic pressure of tissue fluid drives entry fluid into lymphatic capillaries

edema is a lymph in the interstitial

unencapsulated lymphatic tissue associated with the digestive

malt is a respiratory urinary and reproductive system

lymph nodes are located in groups or chains along the lymphatic vessels



Functions of lymph

filter lymph remove bacteria and cellular debris before lymph returned to the blood

immune surveillance monitor body fluids

lymphocytes attack viruses bacteria and parasitic cells that enter a lymph node

Macrophages engulf and destroy foreign particles, debris and damaged cells


T cell leave the thymus to provide immunity

lobules contain ymphocytes

T lymphocytes leave the thymus to provide immunity

body defenses against inflection

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Innate (nonspecific) defenses guard against many types of pathogens respond quickly

pathogens that makes you sick

Adaptive (specific) defenses or immunity respond against only a specific type of pathogen respond more slowly

inflammation a tissue response to injury or infection

innate defense chemical barriers

Acidic environment provided by HCI in gastric juice is lethal to some pathogens

Chemical Barries that kill many pathogens

enzymes is pepsin in the stomach and lysozyme in tears destroy many pathogens

interferons hormone like piptides secreted by lymphocytes and fibroblast

innate defense phagocytesis

Neutrophils engulf smaller particles

phagocytosis engulfment and digestion of pathogens ,foreign particles and debris

Monocytes attack larger ones

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