Jocelyn Escandon Lympathic/immune system period 6th 03/09/22
major functions of the lympathic and immune sytem
pathways - Lymphtic capillary , afferent lymphatic vessel , lymph nod , efferent lymphatic vessedl , lypahtic trunk , collecting dict , subclavin vein
Lymphatic Capillaries- tiny vessels that collect and filter fluid from your body's cells and tissues.
peyer's patches
none marrow
lymphatic vessles
lymph nodes
Location of Lymphatic organs and their functions
lymph noes -loctaed in groups or chains along lymphatic vessles ,d , afferent lymphatic vessels enter on the convex surface not found in the central nervous system
thymus location - lung , diaphragm , liver , spleen , stomach , heart trachea , thyroid gland
spleen -lies in te ipper let abdominal cavity , largest lynohatic organ in body
purpose and exmples of First , Second , and third line of defense
First line of defense - Mechanical barriers (skin and mucous membrane )
Second line of defense - chemical barriers
- natural killer cells
- inflammation
phagocytosis - fever
Third line of defenae - cellular immune response , - humora immune response
humoral response snd celluar respone
antigens and antibodies
included in adaptive
antibodies trval through the body fluids to attack and destroy antigens ; called humoral immune response
cellualr umminue response or cell mediated immuity - response through cell to cell contact as ativated t cells interact directly with ntigen bearing cells
5 major types
Antigens and antibodies
T cells - produce antiboides against the dusplayed antigen
t cells - monitor the bodys cells
b cells - become activated and produce a clone of cells
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Disorders associated with the Immune system
Type 1 diabetes. The immune system attacks the cells in the pancreas that make insulin
Rheumatoid arthritis. This type of arthritis causes swelling and deformities of the joints