FlowChart of the Special Education Referral Process
Step 1: Informal Consultation
Begin identifying a need in a student for a conversation
Step 2: Formal Consultation
Begin a more formal consultation and collaboration with the team (If the student is not making progress)
Step3: Preparation for Student of Conversation(SOC) Meeting
Step 4: The Actual SOC Meeting
Start convening a SOC Meeting(If the student is not making progress in the previous two steps)
Step 5: The Student Support Team (SST) Meeting - Outside Referral involved
Possible development of a Learning Accommodation Plan - Implement for 4-6 weeks, if the student is making progress then continue with the plan
Homeroom Teacher: 1. signs of a struggling student observed 2.Start gathering data on the student (Academic/Behavior/Social Emotional) 3. Pull the student past record card 4. Share concerns with grade-level teammates/learning support/counselor
Classroom Intervention: Homeroom Teacher implement differentiated/personalized teaching strategies for the student
Homeroom Teacher: 1.Start getting prepared to bring the student to a formal Student of Coversation (SOC) meeting 2.Discuss and explore concerns with parents 3.Consult with Division coach/ learning support/counselor/Admin
Intervention: Push-in & Pull-out session Homeroom teacher to work with EAL & Learning support teachers & counselors. Children will work with other supporting team members for a personalized learning intervention plan within and outside of the classroom
Homeroom Teacher: 1. Gather and consolidate all studnet data/assessment/intervention done in the previous steps and ready to share with all stakeholders, including parents 2.Gather data from specialties and Chinese teachers
Homeroom Teacher: 1.Share all concerns with data collected 2. Communicate with parents and keep them updated after the meeting with the accommodation plan 3. Write the plan & schedule the next follow-up meeting
Learning Accomendation Plan 1. Homeroom teacher &Learning support & counselor & Administrator get together to collective brainstorm on the development of the accommodation plan 2.All stakeholders in the meeting need to keep data on student's progress
Creation of a more comprehensive support plan- After 4-6 weeks of the accommodation plan, if the student is not making progress; principal to meet with parents and discuss the process for outside referral if needed
Homeroom Teacher: 1. Develop an IEP plan with the learning support teacher (case manager) 2. Responsible for communication with parents 3.Ensure day to day smooth implementation of the plan with the student
IEP Plan - All teachers from the SST team need to keep track on the student's progress. Regular team meeting needs to be scheduled by the case manager.
Small leveled reading groups
modified Maths Problem sets for low-mediate students
Points systems for promoting positive behaviors
Apply Math manipulatives in class
small leveled phonics groups
modified writing activities with structured worksheets
All intervention strategies and activities developed in Step 1
pull-out one-on-one/small group reading and writing session
Leveled Literacy Intervention Program (5-6 weeks)
Allow auditory learners to listen to audio books during one-on-one pull-out session
Involve chats and pictures and videos for visual learners when learning phonics and vocabulary during one-on-one session
All intervention strategies and activities developed within Step 1&2&4
Individual session with outside language specialist/specialists
Allow the use assistive technology for students with needs
computer text-to-speech computer-based systems for students with lower language development
Cherrie Xie
Note: The school I work at sets high admission screening bars. Currently, there is no student with severe learning abilities in the ES department.
All intervention strategies and activities developed within Step 1&2
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Work or take a test in a different setting, such as a quiet room with few distractions
Sit where they learn best
Take more time to complete a task or a test
Take sections of a test in a different order
Signs of a struggling Student
Lacks self-motivation
Has difficulty staying on task
Takes longer than normal to complete written work
Begins to argue with you over school work
Becomes anxious and stressed about homework
Struggles with basic reading, writing, math, or spelling skills
Has difficulty remembering and does not retain learned skills
Makes negative comments about the teacher or about school in general
Behavior Issues/Academic Struggles /Social withdrawal
Has constant conflicts with students