Personal Project

Creating an openmind about mental health issues

STEM for underprivilaged children





Many underprivilaged children interested in the STEM field are not provided with all the resource they require. The government schools and facilities don't consist of the correct scientific equipment or textbooks and this is unfair to the children. My project if to raise funds and help the schools equip the scientific equipment.

The purpose of this project is to help underprivileged kids gain the resources they require. It would help them have equal opportunities as the rest of us.

On me

On the society

The purpose of this project is to help underprivileged kids gain the resources they require. It would help them have equal opportunities as the rest of us.

I would help all the underprivilaged kids who aren ot given the same resources as us. I would also help the government schools develop and provide better education for the future generations.

I would have to make an effective solution for this to help as many schools and students as possible. This would require alot of funds and there are multiple solutions which would help me raise the funds.





In India specifically, mental health issues are considered as a taboo and people try and hide their mental health issues to appear normal in the society. My goal is to help make people understand that there is nothing wrong with the mental health issues.

As mental health issues are so frowned upon in the society, people don't consider them as real problems and ignore them and this could lead to bigger problems like suciedal attemps etc. Children are also stopped from talking about their mental health as they are scared of being judged upon by the society or by their own family and friends. The purpose of this is to help people understand that mental health problems are something to be taken serious and not hidden away.

On me

On the society

I have seen many people around me who faced problems like depression and anxiety but they were too scared to open up to their families because they would get judged and it would not be considered a real problem. Seeing this helped me realize that the society has to change and doing this project would help me form a clearer understanding about the topic.

Many kids are facing issues like this and are too frigtened to talk about their problems. If the society becomes more openminded, people would be more comfortable to seek help and get better.It would stop people from thinking that there is no other solution.

I would have to contact people who faced the problem and it would be hard to make them open up to me. Doing this would help me imrpove my communication skills. Another challenge is that I would have to change the perspective of people and this is not easy as people are usually fixed on their opinions.

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Self-defense for female


Women physically attacked regularly and this is a huge problem all over the world. Statistics prove how women face these problems and then face other issues in society after facing these problems. It is a huge issue in the society and needs to be solved. I have separated this project into two parts.


Women being assaulted or sexualized is a very common thing, and it is very regular that a women is exposed to physical violence. This is why it is important that all women know self-defense. This would help women be stronger and protect themselves when they face these problems. My project would also include another aspect of women who are shown as the guilty people in the scenarios because of factors like what they wear and where they go. The lack of freedom for women and victimizing criminals who abuse women is extremely unethical.


On me

I personally relate to self-defense as I take taekwondo classes and I am learning to defend myself. I have also read multiple times about women who are assaulted or raped and it has always bothered me and it made me realize how important self-defense is. It also bothers me that women are shown as the criminals in these scenarios.

On the society

It would help many women and girls feel more confident to go out and use their freedom and rights.It would also help them protect themselves during these situations. It would also help women understand that they have rights to dress how they want and go where they want without becoming guilty. This would help the society understand that it is not the womens fault for being in the scenario.


As I am still learning self-defense, it would be hard to teach other women self defense too. Another challenge I have to overcome is that I have to focus on two different aspects while working on my project. I have to focus on self-defense and societies image about the problem, this could be challenging.






Food and specifically vegetables with proper nutrients are becoming rare due to the fertilizers and pesticides commonly used in agriculture. Hydroponics is a new system that can help in using resources like water to provide the nutrients required to the plants. The hydroponic systems do not require pesticides which will help in keeping nutrient rich and healthy food.

I have noticed many people searching for natural and healthy food in local markets, this is because people started noticing the impacts of pesticides on their health. Using hydroponics as a solution could help people grow their own vegetables without worrying about the pesticides and fertilizers used.

On me

On the society

I did not realize the impact pesticides have on me till this year. It made me realize that what I eat can have multiple health impacts on me right now or in the future. When I researched I realized that there are numerous health issues associated with these pesticides.

As mentioned previously, many people are getting worried about the food they eat because of the pesticides present. If I help in introducing a new system that will help them eliminate this problem.

This project would require a lot of research as I personally do not know much about hydroponics. I will have to research and find ways to decrease the price of the hydroponic systems. It is alos challenging to spread awareness about my problem to a larger audience.