1) If you enter www.packtpub.com in the browser's address bar and press Enter, your computer's browser will make a request on the internet to access the www.packtpub.com website
2) The very first server that the browser runs into is the recursive resolver, which, in most cases, may be provided by your Internet Service Provider (ISP).
3) The recursive resolver will then contact the root servers that are scattered all over the globe and that contain information about top-level domains; in our example, it is .com
4) The top-level domains will provide the DNS information to the recursive resolver.
5) Once the recursive resolver receives the information from top-level domains, it will then contact the domain name server, packtpub.com. Using the domain name server's local DNS, it will try to figure out the IP address.
6) Once it learns the web server's IP address, then the recursive resolver provides that IP to your computer's browser in order to access the web server content via its newly accustomed IP address.