Women's Empowerment and Restriction Through Divine Creativity
Indigenous Religions
Indigenous Religions
It is usually the role of women to act as spiritual caretakers, performing the rituals and standing as spiritual heads of the household, but in a lot of religions. Why?
Women's worth comes from their ability to give birth (excludes women who can't/don't want to and trans people)
Portraying women/femininity as divine
Earth is the Mother, everything was created by female Divine Creator
Relationship to Feminism
Societies mostly matrilineal, women as respected spiritual leaders with equal rights to men
Identities other than straight and cis are celebrated
WR, pg 37
WR, pg 38
"Sometimes men in their own secret ceremonies even try to mimic women's menstrual bleeding by subincision of the penis to make it bleed" WR, pg 39
Men trying to emulate women as a form of worship and respect
WR, pg 39
Female power and rage
Comparison between Oya (WR, pg 41) and Kali
Relationship to Feminism
Relationship to Feminism
Relationship to Feminism
Relationship to Feminism
Relationship to Feminism
"... the soil will bear fruit only if women are the farmers, for it is they who have the generative power and the most intimate relationship with the earth." WR, pg 44
Menstruation as an example of women's power
WR, pg 47
"Haven't we still our uteri?" WR, pg 46
Responsibility of religious preparation every day falls to women
Shakti (divine creativity inherent to women)
Shown through dance
WR, pg 13
If a woman's husband sins, she is blamed for not being able to stop him (very similar belief in Victorian England actually, which is very interesting)
Women can't be ordained
Religious and spiritual rituals are firmly the responsibility of women
WR, pg 52
Female genital surgery
Reasons of chastity, enhancing beauty, or improved hygiene or control over bodies. Also sometimes seen as preparation for pain of childbirth
WR 54