Grammar in isolation vs Grammar in context

Grammar in Isolation

Language learning

Prescriptive/descriptive approaches

Focus on form and meaning only


Teaching separately in a lesson




The purpose for using grammar in isolation

To understand grammatical forms and be able to use them

Cover the ability to use these grammatical forms for communicative purpose

It helps teacher to set the level and make improvement on the next lesson

Teacher can selectively choose which grammar items to cover in this grammar course, so that the instruction can be effectively focused on items that are more important.

To make sure pupils recognize the rules and regulation of grammar

Give teachers as well as learners plenty of time to understand the grammatical forms and produce them in communication tasks

To identify students’ own performance

Cover the ability to understand grammatical forms

Issues of grammar in isolation

Grammar is about rules of language : pupils become bored and stress (they have to memorize directly)

Lack of fun


Students could not connect the grammar with their language or the lessons with their lives

How to overcome issues of grammar in isolation

Create fun activities

Choose effective methods

Make discussion

Activities related with daily situation

The purpose for using grammar in context

Grammar in context

Focus on forms, meaning and usage

Language acquisition

involves teaching grammar in relations to the context of the situation the utterances are usually used

Requires commitment to teach

Specific instruction would be given to individual students

earners can learn how to form structures correctly, and also how to use them to communicate meaning

Learners will use grammatical conventions more effectively in communication if they learn them in context.

provides a meaningful framework that connects to reality in the targeted language

Applicable while teaching other skills

How to teach grammar in context

using dialogues ( the use of dialogues generally matches learners‘ expectations of how language is used in the real world: people use language primarily to talk to each other