set far in the future, depicts a society in which people's lives are controlled by government, following scientific principles. Foetuses are created by artificial fertilization in test tubes and parents unknown. SOciety divided into 5 castes, each with a different function. marriage, family, literature and the arts are suppressed. Emotions are also prohibited, but sex is encouraged as a physical activity. Those who hold power also exert conditioning all young people to think in the same way. Any possible tension is eliminated by the administration of a drug called soma. Bernard and Watson, 2men belonging to the higher caste feel uncomfortable about the society in which they live. Things change when Bernard goes with Lenina, his sexual companion, to New Mexico to a reservation which is kept as the world was before scientific progress. They bring back with them a savage who in the end rebels against his lack of freedom, privacy and relevant human institutions. When Bernard and Watson also start to question the society they live in, they are immediately sent into exile. Savage finds shelter in an abandoned lighthouse, but soon he becomes a tourist attraction. Eventually he kills himself.
the author warns against the advacements of science, especially when they are controlled by an all-powerful state which suppresses individual freedom. Difference with 1984 = in the latter the general atmosphere is depressing, while in Brave New World citizens are conditioned to be happy