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Jasmine Jimenez Period 6 Immune System - Coggle Diagram
Jasmine Jimenez Period 6 Immune System
Major Functions of Immune & Lymphatic System
Immune System
protect body from harmful substances, germs and cell changes that could make you ill
protect the body from foreign substances and pathogenic
provide resistance to disease
Lymphatic System
protect body from illness-causing invaders
maintain body fluid levels
absorb digestive tract fats
removing cellular waste
Innate & Adaptive Immune Defenses
Innate (Nonspecific - Natural)
consists of 1st & 2nd lines of defense
1st Line
surface barriers
2nd Line
proteins, cells, complements, working with inflammation and fevers to protect body when invaded deeper into tissues
Adaptive (Specific - Acquired)
consists of 3rd line
attacks particular/specific foreign substances which takes longer to activate because it is acquired
humoral and cellular immunity
Antigens & Antibodies
substances that can mobilize adaptive defenses and provoke an immune response
Self Antigens
antigens that originate from our own cells
Non-Self Antigens
cells that do not originate from the body
Antibodies (Immunoglobulins IGs)
proteins secreted by plasma cells that bind to specific antigens detected by B Cells inactivating it and tagging it
Defense Mechanisms/Functions
clumping of antigen-antibody complexes
complexes precipitate and are easier to engulf
antibodies block specific sites on viruses/bacteria
Complement Fixation & Activation
several antibodies on same antigen enhancing phagocytosis, inflammation, causing cell to lyse
Passive & Active Immunity (In Humoral Immunity)
occurs when ready-made antibodies are introduced into the body
can naturally or artificially occur
occurs when B cells encounter antigens and produce specific antibodies against them
can naturally or artificially occur
Lymphatic Organs
Primary Lymphoid Organs
site for T cell maturation
in the chest, between lungs and behind sternum, just in front of & above heart
Red Bone Marrow
make lymphocytes (like B & T lymphocytes)
found mainly in flat bones, ends of the long bones
Secondary Lymphoid Organs
stop germs entering body through mouth or nose
found in throat & palate
cleanses blood, controls level of blood cells, filters blood & removes old/damaged RBCs, site for lymphocyte activation and proliferation, stores platelets, monocytes, iron
upper left side of abdomen next to stomach, behind left ribs
Lymph Nodes
cleanse lymph, site for lymphocyte activation & proliferation
throughout body: in neck, armpits, groin, gut, & between lungs
MALT (Mucosa-Associated Lymphoid Tissues)
prevent pathogens from penetrating mucous membrane, site for lymphocyte activation and proliferation
scattered along mucosal linings in body
Humoral & Cellular Response (2 Main Branches of Adaptive Immunity)
antibodies circulate freely binding temporarily to target cells marking them for destruction
lymphocytes act against target cells directly or indirectly
directly: killing infected cells
indirectly: releasing chemicals that enhance inflammatory responses as well as activating other lymphocytes and macrophages
Lines of Defense
2nd Line
line that works together to protect the body when invaders invade deeper tissues but are nonspecific
Phagocytes, Neutrophils, Macrophages, NK Cells, Inflammation, Interferons, Complements
3rd Line
aims at eliminating specific pathogens that have been encountered previously
B & T Lymphocytes, APCs, Dendritic Cells, Antibodies
1st Line
Surface Barriers: barrier to most microorganisms
Skin, Mucosae, and their secretions (sweat, saliva, sebum)
Disorders/Diseases/Homeostatic Imbalances of Immune System
creamy yellow mixture of dead neutrophils, tissues/cells, living/dead pathogens
confined pocket of pus
Bacterial Resistance
bacteria resisting digestion by macrophages remaining alive inside, form tumor like growths if immune system weakens can cause individual to get sick
congenital/acquired conditions impairing functions/productions of immune cells/molecules
Organ Transplant Issues
can be unsuccessful if tissues are too different, suppressing immune system - leading cause of death
Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Syndrome
genetic deficit of B & T cells
Hodgkin's Disease
acquired immunodeficiency causing cancer of B Cells
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
disorder where immune system gradually weakens & eventually disabled by HIV bc it interferes with Helper T cells
Autoimmune Disease
when immune system loses ability to distinguish self from foreign
autoantibodies & T Cells destroy body tissues (ex. rheumatoid arthritis - destroys joints)
immune response to perceived not usually harmful threats causing tissue damage
Acute (type I) hypersensitivities (allergies)
begin secs after contact w/ allergen, initial contact - asymptomatic, next encounter histamine release
Anaphylactic Shock
severe reaction when allergen's introduced to bloodstream (usually injected)
bronchioles contract, labored breathing, vasodilation, low blood volume, can cause circulatory collapse
treated by epinephrine
Artificially & Naturally Acquired Immunity
found in Active & Passive Humoral Immunity
Artificially Acquired
Active: through vaccines & dead/attenuated pathogens
Passive: injection of exogenous antibodies
Naturally Acquired
Active: infection, contact w/ pathogen
Passive: antibodies passed from mother
Cells/Chemicals/Tissues/Organs/Responses in Immune System
WBCs that ingest-digest foreign invaders
die fighting, fight off pathogens and then become infected and phagocytic
remove dead/dying cells
NK Cells
police blood & lymph kill cancerous/virus-infected cells before 3rd line activates
triggered when body tissues are injured
prevents spread of damaging agents, dispose of cell debris & pathogens, alerts adaptive immune response, sets stage for repair
Vasodilation, Increased Vascular Permeability
Phagocyte Mobilization
Inflammatory Chemical Release
produce chemicals (acid, enzymes, mucin) that inhibit/destroy microorganisms
lysozyme, respiratory mucus, lacrimal fluid, enzymes in stomach that kill microorganisms
mucus lining in digestive/respiratory tract trap microorganisms
Acid Mantle
acidity of skin/mucous secretion inhibits growth of pathogen
Respiratory Modifications
mucus coated hair trapping particles, cilia sweeping dust & bacteria laden mucus toward throat
Antimicrobial Proteins
proteins that stimulate infected cells and nearby cells to produce proteins preventing virus from replicating within them
group of proteins that lyse cells
high body temperature inhibiting microbes from multiplying, enhances body repair processes
MHC Proteins
self-antigens that recognize "self" and "nonself" cells
B Lymphocyte/Cell
in Humoral Response
secrete antibodies, target extracellular pathogens, originate and mature in red bone marrow, effector cells: plasma cells, form memory cells
T Lymphocyte/Cell
in Cellular Response
defend against intracellular antigens, by directly killing or releasing chemicals, originate in red bone marrow mature in thymus, form memory cells
effector cells
Regulatory T/Suppressor T
moderate immune response/prevent autoimmune reactions
Memory T
help give quicker response to future attacks of same pathogen
Cytotoxic T (start as CD8)
destroy cells harboring foreign antigens
Helper T (start as CD4)
activate B cells, other T cells, macrophages
Antigen Presenting Cells
engulf antigens and present fragments of antigens to T Cells for recognition
3 Major Types
present antigens to T Cells activating it then further activating macrophages
B Cells
present antigens to helper T to assist their own activation
Dendritic Cells
liaison between innate & adaptive
phagocytize pathogens that enter tissues then lymphatics to present antigens to T Cells in lymph nodes
chemical messengers of immune system
mediate cell development, differentiation & responses
proteins that interfere with viruses
released by macrophages, stimulate T Cells to release IL-2, synthesize more IL-2 receptors
communicating chemical, key growth factor, help activate helper T cells divide rapidly
causes runny nose, sneezing