Dyslexia- it affects reading and related language based procession skills. It effects reading fluency, decoding, comprehension, recall, writing, spelling and sometimes speech
Dysgraphia- effects the writing ability of the student and reflects as poor writing skills. It is also known as spelling disorder
Dyscalculia -specific learning disability that affects a person’s ability to understand numbers and learn math facts and difficulty in learning arithmetic
Auditory processing disorder – is not a problem in understanding the meaning but it means the brain of the child does not hear the sound the usual way. It make it difficult to pass the sound from ear freely for the brain to interpret it.
Nonverbal learning disabilities - Nonverbal learning disorder (NVLD) is a learning disability that causes difficulty with motor, visual-spatial, and social skills. Children with NVLD are often well-spoken and can write well, but struggle with subtle social cues and comprehension of abstract concepts
Visual perceptual or visual motor deficit -students with visual perceptual/visual motor deficits have poor eye-hand coordination, lose their position frequently when reading, and struggle using pencils, crayons, glue, scissors, and other fine motor skills