G9 Studio Project

Things We Fear

Definition of fear

Fear is a very broad topic and there are a vast amount of things that people fear in this world. Fear is described as a negative or unpleasant emotion caused my the deeling of danger. Fear does not only apply to a fear of a tangible object and thing, it can also apply to ideas and thinkings (ex. fear of the dark, fear of heights, fear of losing etc.)

Types of Fear




Fear is not something onbective, for anything that exists in the world somebody could fear it.

Human/animal response to fear





Fight is an instinct the can be released when faced with fear. It commonly includes adrenaline increase and faster heart rate.

This is a common response to fear for many animals and can apply for humans too. This happens to humans commonly when no other defense response remains. It is similar to freezing though is this situation the person/animan is physically immobile.

Freezing is a response mechanism used by both animals and humans. The instance or the idea is that if you don't move you should be harder to spot.

Flee is simply as the name suggests and is a response to flee/run away from the threat.

In terms of lighting, the simpler concepts are the direction of the lighting. The direction of the lighting can change a lot about the focus in the photo and will influence how the objects in the photo are portrayed

Backlight: Backlight is when the light is shining from behind the object in front of the camera. The object will seem darker though there will be a highlight from the light behind it.MG_4105

Side Left & right: Sight light is when the light is shining at the object from either one of its sides. Typically, this will cause one half of the objects in the image to be dark and the other light. There could also be a shadow cast by the object in the opposite direction of the light. f3fe18abc1e449f8fd3d785a66abfd7f--shadow-photography-photography-portraits

Front light: Front light is where the light is shining directly as the object from the same direction which the photo is being taken. These shots tend tone very bright overall and there aren't many strong shadows casted.

Top Down & Bottom Up: Top down and Bottom has a similar effect as side light just that it is working in different directions. The lighting will cause one half of the objects in the image to be dark and the other light. Bottom up light is also sometimes associated with a scary shot. dbd7bbf77f84b33b75b729367ac0255f--perception

Colors and mood associated with fear

Colors associated with fear tend to be darker colors and things with a dark shade. The reason for this is probably because people associate the dark with fear. The dark can represent the fear of the unknown. The most common used colors for fear are black and red. main-qimg-bcf5f449cb0e2167489ea68a50dd64d2

Image angle: R.e1cefc19330bcf12d1e9e1e2a049caea

Important aspect to consider will be the angle which I take the photo and the distance of which I take it. For the distance I think a closer shot is what I will be looking for because I want to have a very stong focus on the person in the image. For the angle I was thinking of possibly a diagonal angle looking down at the object to try display inferiority/weakness (connected to fear) though this plan might change.

Object Arrangement:

After the angle of the shot is decided I have to decide how I would want to arrange the objects inside the picture. A simple way of arranging objects in an image is using the rule of thirds to position objects somewhere conventional within the grids. I will use this technique while taking my photo to help with emphasizing the focus.


Sketched Ideas

Elements I might include

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