PP No 50 Tahun 2012

UU No 1 Tahun 1970



Legal Basis

Every worker has a right to get protection

Pasal 5, 20, 27 UUD 1945

With the development of industry the rate if worker is also increase

The safety of every other person who is in the working environment in ensured

The source of protection need to be used safety and efficiently

Pasal 9 and Pasal 10 UU Nomor 14

Employ and use engineering development

Reach safety and increase quality of work


Increasing the effectiveness of protection and safety

Preventing the accident during working and diseases due to working

Creating safe and comfortable working environment for productivity


Part of management systmen in safe and productive working environment

Protecting safety and health of working

Systematic and independent inpsection that fulfill the criteria

PP No 80 Tahun 2019

Obligation of Implementation

Company that has high level of danger

Company that employ 100 and more workers

The implementation must meet the international standards

Related Engineering Ethics

PP No. 50 Tahun 2012 Pasal 2




Engineers shall continue their professional development throughout their careers and shall provide opportunities for the professional development of those engineers under their supervision

Help to create working environment that is safe, comfortabke, and efficient to increase productivity


The health of worker must be considered and protected to ensure productivity

Protection for the worker so that they are healthy, safe, and productive

Doing the article 164, Paragraph 5 UU No. 36 Tahun 2019 regarding health


Worker as the asset of the country get the safety

Giving the protection and worker health

To avoid accident for worker

Legal Basis

Pasal 5 Paragraph 2 UUD 1945

UU No. 36 Tahun 2009

Engineers shall hold paramount the safety, health and welfware of the public in performance of their professional duties

PP 25 Tahun 2019 Bab 7


Ensure that the government will support engineers in their research development in their engineering skills and prompt engineers to be innovative and creative


Striving to increase the competence and prestige of the engineering profession

Related Engineering Ethics

UU No 1. Tahun 1970 Bab 8


Being honest and impartial, and serving with fidelity the public their employers and clients

Engineers shall issue public statements

Engineers shall associate only with reputable persons or organizations


The regulation require engineers to fulfill and obey all health and safety regulations that is required

Ensure that all worker will only give correct statement when they are asked by the administrator or health and safety expert

There is an exception when the administrator hired allow in competency and that it can still be held accountable for

UU No. 1 Tahun 1970 Bab 7


State that administrator hired required to report all accients that happened in the working environment to official that is appointed by the government


Engineers shall build their professional reputations on the merit of their services and shall not compete unfairly with others

UU No. 1 Tahun 1970 Bab 3 Pasal 3



Engineers shall act in professional matters for each employeror client as faithful agents or trustees, and shall avoid conflict of interest

Regulation ensure that both the engineers and external parties get the benefit and will not attain lost or damage