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Flashback to Soulful Security - Coggle Diagram
Flashback to Soulful Security
Not Trapped
Soul is not bound
Soul chooses to be here
Soul is not in danger
Soul is Master Harmoniser
Soul Knows & Guides
Soul Helps Instrumental Nature
Slow down
Stop / Minimise / slow work
Quiet Place
No thinking
Don't dwell on past or future
Feel the body & emotions
Express yourself
No Blaming
Opportunity for Mastery
Oppurtunity for Transformation
All is Divine
Put a Will on / Do not Sanction or Uphold
Communicate with Niamh
Relax / De-Stress
Massage (low oil)
JSJ / 1+3 MOC / 2+3 R&I
Yin-Yang Yoga
Breathing / hum / Vagal Tone
Exercise / walk (slow / breath)
Psoas Stretch - Forward Bend
Keep warm or cool / REST
It will pass / No eternity thinking
Name what is happening
No catastrophizing
Be present to where you are now
Call on Divine
Do Anahata Meditation
Open up to Mother Force / Discharge
Soul Force
Stillness, Wideness, Silence
I will guide you
Do not grieve (2nd D)
Have faith in me alone
Abandon all Dharmas
Vasudeva Sarvam iti
Sensory Processing Disorder
Refusing help - shutdown
Cannot Study / Learn
Dry mouth-ulcers-gum infection
Avoiding Eye Contact
Run away or avoidance
Digestion / Diareha
Pain / Body Tension
Fighty - Noisey - Blamey
Caught in mind / emotions
Feeling / Thinking not enough Time
Disconnected from Soul
Moving too fast(running)
Sleep Disturbance
Not feeling safe
Invisible Lion
REACTION / Really?
BAGGAGE / Discharge
TRIGGER / Don't Blame
Boundaries & Containment
Dopamine & Seratonin
M-Folate, M-B12
Phenibut, Kava, Gaba, Pharma
Right-side Attention