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History of Panama
The Colonial Era
Destruction and Foundation of the New Panama City
On January 21, 1673, the solemn act of the foundation of the New City of Panama was celebrated
Pirate Henry Morgan sacked and destroyed Panama City on January 26, 1671.
Independence Movements
17 Panamanian separatist attempts after the colony was founded
the separatist movement began with the first cry of Independence in Villa de Los Santos through Rufina Alfaro November 10, 1821
Letters and Culture in Colonial Panama
Cueva culture came from Punta Chame in the Pacific,
The Ngäbe – Buglé Through their languages they transmit cultural knowledge to their generations
The Kunas belong to Panama but have autonomy and a regional reserve
The Emberá-Wounaan their language, their concept of the land, their pride in their tradition and their history
The Nasos have a monarchy with democracy
The Bri Bri are nomadic, but they represent a significant human group with 400 families in Panama
Panama was part of the Spanish empire between 1538 and 1821
the first black slaves arrived
Isthmus of Panama in the expedition of Governor Diego de Nicuesa When the Crown made the treatment of indigenous people as slaves illegal, the trade of black slaves to the American colonies for work on farms was authorized
slavery of blacks was maintained until the Departmental period
General JOSE HILARIO LOPEZ VALDES, President of the Republic of Nueva Granada (Colombia) sanctioned a law on March 21, 1851República de la Nueva Granada (Colombia) sanctioned a law on March 21, 1851
Panama was a distribution center for black slaves
the CIMARRONES were born
THAT THEY WERE slaves who escaped and went into the jungles and fought against the Spanish
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The Parcel System
It consisted of the Crown distributing the indigenous inhabitants in a certain place among the conquerors or settlers, in payment for their services.
Fray Bartolomé de las Casas
denounced the abuse to which the indigenous people were subjected by the encomenderos
The Departmental Age
Separatist attempts
First attempt to separate Panama from Colombia La Lealtad de Espinar
José Domingo Espinar declares the Isthmus of Panama independent, on September 26, 1830 Panama was reintegrated on December 11, 1830
Second attempt to separate Panama from Colombia Alzuru's madness
Venezuelan Colonel Juan Eligio Alzuru gave the separation of the Isthmus on July 9, 1831. But he was ruthless and this separation lasted a month
Third attempt to separate Panama from Colombia El Destierro de Herrera
November 18, 1840, under the name of the State of the Isthmus in charge of Colonel Tomás Herrera, it only lasted 3 months
Fourth attempt to separate Panama from Colombia Freedom of the slaves
On November 19, 1840, Tomás Herrera proclaimed the Free State of the Isthmus. Herrera abandoned the separatist adventure in exchange for unfulfilled promises
The Watermelon Slice Incident
The initial protagonists of the incident of April 15, 1856 were the American Jack Oliver and the Panamanian José Manuel Luna.
The American refused to pay a real for a slice of watermelon to the Panamanian and generated a great fight with multiple deaths and injuries.
The Thousand Days War
On September 12, 1899, there was an outbreak of struggle between liberals and conservatives, resulting in the War of a Thousand Days, which lasted until 1902.
emerges as the emblematic figure of the democratic, popular and revolutionary movement in the Isthmus
He was shot on the afternoon of May 15, 1903 in the Plaza de Armas of Chiriquí.
The Panama canal
In 1905, railroad engineer JohnStevens took charge of the projector and redesigned the project.
he built a system of locks, and a large artificial lake at the mouth of the Chagres River
The construction of the Panama Canal cost US$400 million at the time
On August 15, 1914, the ship Ancón inaugurated the Panama Canal
An 82-kilometre long journey, the crossing of which takes an average of nine hours, which shortens, for example, the distance between London and Tokyo by more than 7,000 kilometres.
Panamá en el Siglo XX
When in November 1903, Panama emerged to independent life, it had approximately 300,000 inhabitants, not including the indigenous peoples.
According to the Census Bureau, the ethnic composition was: 56.99% were derived brown races, 14.54% were black, 14.02% were Indian, 13.76% were white, and 0.69% were of the yellow race.
The Spanish conquest
The Columbian Epic
colon made four voyages under the spanish crown
first trip
The first land visited was Guanahaní, which Columbus called San Salvador.
second trip
September 1493, where he manages to explore several islands of the Antilles, including Jamaica
third trip
It reaches the island of Trinidad and the coast of Venezuela, from the Orinoco River.
fourth trip
in 1502 It travels the coasts of Central America, from Cabo Gracias a Dios in Honduras, to the Isthmus of Panama
The first of the Spanish colonizers to visit Panamanian lands is the notary public Rodrigo de Bastidas
On February 24, 1503, Columbus founded the cheese factory, the first Spanish settlement, Santa María de Belén
The Governments of Nueva Andalucía and Castilla de Oro
Alonso de Ojeda was entrusted with the eastern portion called Nueva Andalucía
Diego de Nicuesa was entrusted with the western called Castilla de oro
He founded the place "In the name of God" the governor said: "Let's stop here, in the name of God", a circumstance that gave the place its name
Discovery of the South Sea
discovered by Vasco Núñez de Balboa on September 25, 1513
Foundation of the City of Panama on August 15, 1519
It was called Nuestra Señora de la Asunción de Panamá On September 15, 1521, King Carlos V granted the population of Panama the title of City and a coat of arms
Pre-Columbian Panama
The settlement of the Isthmus of Panama occurred between the years 11,000 and 10,000 BC.
Prehistoric Stages of Panama
EXTENSIVE AGRICULTURE (300 B.C. to the conquest)
Aboriginal groups
bribris (immigrants during the 20th century), ngöbés (guaymíes, "moveres"), buglés, ("bokotás", "sabaneros"), tiribies ("teribes térrabas"), and tules ("kuna"),
he indigenous population along the Central American land bridge was gathered in small territories controlled by caciques
colonization is when humans colonized the isthmus