However, he had earlier made comments about there needing to be enough zeal in the church to separate from that which was contrary to the faith. This put him in an interesting position, because people started making the claim that just as the situation had warranted separation from Rome, now it was also the case for the church of England. However, he defended the church of England as being a true church by properly preaching the Word, administering the sacraments, and exercising church, prayer, discipline, and the fruit of many spiritual children.
"There will be a miscellany and mixture in the visible church, as long as the world endures... So it is no better than soule-murder for a man to cast himselfe out of the church, either for reall or imaginall corruptions... so let me admonish you to returne your selfe from these extravagant courses, and submissively to render your selfe to the sacred communion of this truly Evangelicall Church of England." 63