Panpsychism views that entities have conscious experience (Chalmers, 2017, p.1). (How does it solve the problem of mental causation?) There are various sub-views confined under the umbrella of panpsychism. Constituitive panpsychism is the view that the right combination of microphysical elements necessitates consciousness in all possible universes (Chalmers, 2017, p.3). Contrary to this view, Nonconstituitive panpsychism proposes that microphenomenal properties do not constitute macrophenomena (Chalmers, 2017, p.3). Although, according to Nonconstituitive panpsychism, quiddities necessarily constitute macrophenomena (Chalmers, 2017, p.3). Quiddities are the collection of fundamental properties that are associated with something. A sub-view of Nonconstituitive panpsychism is emergent panpsychism: the thesis that macrophenomenal properties are emergent from microphenomenal properties. In Russellian panpsychism, microphenomenal properties are quiddities, and they come together for macrophenomenal properties. However, quiddities don’t necessitate macrophenomenal properties. Such necessitation applies to Constituitive Russellian panpsychism.
The most significant problem raised regarding panpsychism is the combination problem: how do microphysical properties combine to yield macrophysical properties (Chalmers, 2017, p. 1)? The combination problem spreads into different branches according to the assumptions made for panpsychism.
The subject combination problem is how microsubjects combine to yield macro subjects (Chalmers, 2017, p. 4-5). The mental combination problem asks how lower-order mental states that are intrinsic can combine to produce higher-order mental states (citation). The structure combination problem meddles in solving how microstructures that are inherently physical combine to yield macrostructures observed to be mental (Chalmers, 2017, p. 5-6). Lastly, the quality combination problem strives to solve how microqualities combine to yield macroqualities (Chalmers, 2017, p. 5)? The problems mentioned above will be expanded on their assumptions and their implications on panpsychism.