During the Somoza dynasty, inequatlity and corruption marked and consumed politics and social term during Nicaragua´s 20th century since the begining. Because of this, a coalition of opposition partys and student groups form the FSLN in the year 1961, as a revolutionary group commited to socialism. After several attacks from the resistance, and the gain of the support from the Nicaraguan population, the goverment enforced a paramilitary law enfrocment organization, that violently cracked down on suspected sandinista collaborators. The american carter administration reacted to this by cutting USaid. Within the FSLN, a small group, lead by Daniel Ortega, became the dominant factor in the 1970. They allied with non comunist groups againt Somoza, asking for social democracy as a transitional solution. After Chamorro´s death by suspected samosa operatives, riots broke in Managua, which gave the FSLN advantage, what gave the sandanistas and Ortega power ahead the country Supported by the USSR implemented a massive economic and agrarian reform, which confiscated large amounts of land from Somozas supporters and redistributing among the peasantry.