How to best honour the agentic perspective of my students ?

How to facilitate student-centred assessment in a transdisciplinary context ?

What suggestions do you have for the “Designing engaging learning experiences” section of the planner for Hussain?

How would differentiation be frameworked and sustained?

Understand Your Learners.

Short And Crisp Content sections

Access To A Content Library.

Feedforward and feedback

Tap into students' prior knowledge

Integrate Modern Technology.

click to edit


Redefine Class Participation.

Emphasize Growth. Show students how they are becoming better learners on a regular basis, particularly by embracing mistakes

Give Students Choices When it Comes to Classwork.

Have Students Self-Assess. Students who do not seem to care about their work may become more involved when they are grading themselves.


How and when are students involved in the planning process?


Class discussions with open ended questions

During Entry tickets or KWL charts or Gallery walks

Setting their individual success criterias

At the time of setting their personal goals

Sharing and reflection time

Plenary / Summary

During Brainstorming of a new topic

At the start of a new concept

At the beginning of a theme


Let students choose the books they read.

Own their mistakes

Select your resources

Communicate with students about what they are choosing and why.


Facilitate ongoing feedback.

Regular and ongoing Reflections and sharing time

Create a culture of inquiry and creativity.

Ask Open-Ended Questions.

Involve Students in the Decision Making Process.

Play-based inquiry

variety of personalized learning methods

Choice in text types for an activity . ability / level based reading materials

Include all kinds of learners visual , kinesthetic etc

make room for emerging learners, developers as well as challengers

Customize teaching to suit multiple forms of intelligence.

Keep It Short and Simple (KISS)

Know the learning community within the classroom


Set the learning goals for the students BUT also with the students as per their choice

success criterias set post clear discussion with the students

rewards and recognition

test-teach-test approach

include learner profiles and attributes


Use a checklist at the end of a topic or a unit

self assessment / peer feedback

create a positive environment