Thai Learners’ English Pronunciation
Competence: Lesson Learned from Word Stress Assignment
Literature review
A. Factors Contributing to Students’ Pronunciation
Student's second learning pronunciation problem.
Native language
Phonetic ability
Attitude and identity
Motivation and concern for good pronunciation
B. Previous Studies on Pronunciation
B. Participants
A. Objectives of the Study
C. Instruments
B. Test Scores by Faculty
C. Experiences in Studying English
A. Test Results by Gender
Experience in studying English
It Could be hard for students to understand and emitated sound if they are not familiar with.
If the student keep a foused awarenees and effort can overcome problems.
Aspirations, intonation, rhythm, and melody could be affect when there are errors in the 1° lenguages.
Using a traditional listen-and- repeat exercise, also, conversations and role plays could make adults learn as well as children do.
Adolescents keep learning continually, while adults diminish.
There are not a direct evident about age and learning 2° languages
Use English language in daily lives.
Students with good pronunciation do not have problems with language transfer.
Give more opportunities for students to lisent and use the idiom.
Dialogue or convesation sometimes are not enough to improve skills.
Students have to be exposure to the sounds of 2° languages to be able to discreminate erros.
When an student has a good and positive acttitude is become easy to get the pronunciation.
Find in the 2° language a identity, culture and motivation could help student to improve pronunciation skills.
Students will improve their skills if they have a high motivation.
Language learning experience and exposure could help students.
Assimilation of English words sound.
Sometimes problems of pronunciations come from erros in the background knowledge.
Learning strategies from several aspects and areas of speaking skills.
- asses knowledge looking the words stress assignment
- Determine factors that contribute to learner's pronunciation competence.
They were a homogeneous group of students studying in mixed-ability class.
Thai as their mother tongue and, they were studying English course.
Part one: questionnarie about gender, faculty and major years of study English.
Part two: selection of some words relate with learner field study.
It seem as there is nothig relevant in relation with the gender.
Results indicated that the field of study does not affect the score of the generla popularion.
The participants who have learned English for 1 to 12 years performed slightly better than those studying English for more than 12 years.
Teachers must be aware about individual differences into the classroom and how this could affect student's pronunciation competence.
International demands, improve and go beyond of the basic skills.
The use of technologicals tools are essential for teaching and learnigng process.
Aunthentic materials