Growth of Child Kids-Vision-Testing

Arts abstract-paper-flower-pattern-656688606-5acfba2eae9ab80038461ca0

Intellect depositphotos_184404868-stock-photo-human-brain-digital-x-ray

The Mysteries question top

Creative Confidence 38-388038_ux-creativity-creative-confidence-how-to-unleash-your

Social Issues istockphoto-536058981-1024x1024

Protective Preparation COVID-Cyberbullying_boy-1

Duality 1_dhG8PGA47av7KC0Y_5xQ1g

Elitism photo-81077-original

Fanaticism bipolar-anger-management-strategies-840061704

Energy Dynamics 1_6a3b8RtLUeg3tP_66TuIZA

True History great_seal_masons_1050x700

Basic Education logo+transparent

Superiority / Inferiority dreamstime_s_84863341-300x203

Technology shutterstock_624572657-807x455-c

Intellectualism PDK_101_7_Neem_554x350

Gratitude for Life istockphoto-586087414-170667a

Integrating Awareness Creativty-in-Covid-1220x700

Observing Others Oct22_18_862457080

Self-Acceptance How-to-fix-low-self-esteem-1024x751

Backlash Ready How-to-Overcome-Low-Self-Esteem-and-Insecurities

Risk taking Risk-main1

Self-Transcendence download

Fantasy Imagination 1_R5X0JlGx2Pms5miwF4Y7Ew

Universal Oneness oneness-768x432

The capacities of each child will depend on their soul advancement through multiple lifetimes

Not every child will develop balance on all branches but is helpful if child is pushed in different areas

Some children will favor certain branches over others because of deliberate preparation made before incarnation

Some children may have issues with one or more branches because of trauma or past lifetime choices

This is a topic that built into almost every person from the moment that are born whereby the experience of life becomes a series of compartmentalized standards or labels for how and why everything is in competition or opposition. Kids should know there is an underlying mechanism behind most ideas or identifications that naturally create suffering.

A definite part of hidden history but including the idea of narcissists, kids should know there are certain types of people that have had a very restrictive outlook on life for various reasons that can be taught. These outlooks have allowed the topic of free will to extend below the moral and humane foundations for how people can live creatively and joyfully together.

There are different belief systems that are created in this world and kids should know that when people get angry or use vindictive expressions no matter how sly, camouflaged, or milquetoast, certain beliefs that people accept won't want to be considered for how another perspective can be valid to a given topic.

Every person which will include every child has various perceptional limitations given their previous lives and rarely will there be one without these limitations. It should be taught that there will be times where kids feel separated from their purpose, themselves, and even others. These experiences can come in many forms but it's important to share that when they happen, we can step outside of our current outlook or identity and see the situation for what it really is and then move on.

An organic experience that is the result of pure teaching methods for the common soul will produce something beyond words. This is not a concept that can be defined but rather point towards and will come naturally as the youth express their awareness. Sometimes this experience cannot be taught or suggested as children naturally have instincts to love unconditionally and see beauty in all things.

The dance of pure consciousness is enveloped through this subject that can very well inspire the foundations of culture and achievement. This world has a very heavy energy which is why it's so important that new worlds, characters, and environments be suggested into the lives of the youth. Particular levels of fiction that stress less on violence and sex can exponentially build many bridge for those who have lost hope to live in this world and pursue their purpose.

As kids are raised through an anthroposophic generation, they will be supported by the criticism and judgments of the world to further strengthen their soul. This will never be an easy experience at first but with support and preparation, which comedy and drama (theatre) can sometimes do, kids will sustain a level of confidence and optimism in the face of chaos. This chaos can express itself in many forms which will be one aspect that can be taught ahead of time for preparation.

Doing nice things for oneself or saying nice things to oneself doesn't always do the trick, which is why kids should be taught that whenever they don't feel good, want to die, or hurt someone else, that it can be tremendously helpful to just observe the experience without reacting for or against whatever it is. Sometimes this can feel like too much and so it can become necessary for creative or constructive outlets to be the option next to talking with someone they trust.

A quality that may not always be easy to assimilate but necessary to help break rigid barriers currently outplaying on the social stage. Kids need to realize that creativity cannot always remain comfortable or secure given the state of duality the earth is in. It will be helpful to teach that risks can become adventurous in a way where we learn much more about ourselves despite the sense of identity loss that comes with the act.

Gratitude isn't something that can be forced or really taught but it can be guided through unique suggestions offered by previous generations. These suggestions is a combination of integrating everything on this map and the expression of love towards the youth so they can have some experience for what is life and a reason to embrace it.

A big part of art involves inflection upon the expression of others. All artistic craft is a combination between other artists and their styles and the willingness to experiment from this source of observation. Each artist has their own unique form unless mainstream artists are taken into the center focus where artwork becomes repetitive.

As the youth begin understanding what is going on around the world, it's vital that they have creative outlets that can be used to filter everything they're processing. The artistic elements may not always be positive but the goal is to weave new outlooks into current experiences that may be troubling rather than holding it in and then expressing it in a much more negative way.

In a world of dominating ideas around science and academics, it can be very difficult for kids to see or experience the heart of the matter. Solutions, innovation, and the pure joy of life comes through a balance of not just the mind but the heart as well. Truth depends on both simultaneously.

Nobody in this world is inherently better or worse than each other, but through history, it seems quite the opposite. It's important that kids understand that competition, beauty, and intelligence do not define their value, let alone any demographic.

Though people are going to worry more about identity theft, the real issues behind technology with the youth are the suggested standards around sex, war, and identity politics. Safe spaces are almost absent in the metaverse given the lack of regulation on the escapism industry.

A touchy subject this might be for the average citizen who holds contempt for conspiracies and allegiance towards nationalism. As both of these are byproducts of duality, it's important that a silver lining be paved for the youth to realize the actual events outplayed in history that has given rise to the current state we are in without anger or hatred for various predecessors.

Because most kids forget most of the information they are taught through mainstream educational systems, it's important that various levels of modern education be taught with extreme temperament so that we do not create more harm than possible. Each student will have different boundaries for retaining knowledge and it is imperative that these boundaries be constantly notated so certain spiritual impediments don't take effect.

The big bang and man's idea of evolution is wrong and has been proven wrong for sometime. This is why kids should be given the awareness that despite them not being able to see other forms of immaterial phenomena, it doesn't mean there are many other forces and beings that make up the material function of the world as well as to the creation.