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Macbeth - Coggle Diagram
King James I, Queen Elizabeth I
Shakespeare used common issues within the time in his plays: kings and queens not being able to hold onto their power, or it being forcefully taken from them
the question of whether one person's ambition is more important than common good is evident throughout the play- with Macbeth and lady Macbeth being so ambitious it drives them both to death, whilst also taking away the throne and a great king away from the people of Scotland.
the period that Macbeth was written in was highly Christian, so the views on witches were that they were thought to be agents of Satan, performing evil acts during the night.
Witchcraft and the supernatural were an interest of King James I, who was the ruler when Macbeth was written- he wrote a book on the supernatural, so Shakespeare used witches in his plays as many people in his audience, including the king, believed they were real and evil servants.
has a guilty conscious throughout, but his murderous and dangerous acts always take over
Lady macbeth
from the first instance of meeting her, she is manipulative and yearning for more power than she has
more ruthless than her husband- something generally not seen in the period of time Macbeth was written
becomes insane and guilt ridden by the end, where she kills herself
doesn't show any signs of guilt and sorrow throughout the play until macbeth gains more and more power, therefore coming more corrupt, leading to more devastation, meaning she becomes very guilty
manipulates her husband into killing king Duncan, which would give them a direct path to the throne
it is also implied that she lost her child- she may have miscarried- which could suggest why she turned her emotions off due to the grief and guilt she would face otherwise.
both macbeth and him are both ambitious, yet they go about their ambition in different ways
macbeth tries to have banquo and his son fleance killed in act three by some murderers, but fleance escapes leading to the death of only banquo
his ghost later haunts macbeth for doing the wrong thing at a dinner party he is hosting, showing macbeth's guilt for killing his best friend
his whole family is killed by macbeth, so he wants revenge against him
he feels guilty for leaving his wife and kids alone, which led to their deaths
he is the only one who can harm macbeth, according to the witches
The Witches
although they are more than one character, they are often referred to as a single person, and generally called 'the weird sisters'
their predictions spark the flame in macbeth which then leads to mass destruction and the murder of people he is close with
they speak with a rhythm emphasising their supernatural and separates them from the other characters, creating a further barrier between supernatural and ordinary people within the story and the contemporary audience
King Duncan
he juxtaposes Macbeth when he becomes king as Duncan is kind, caring and a natural-born leader, whereas Macbeth fought his way to the undeserved throne
we are first introduced to the characters and learn snippets about them: Macbeth's bravery and loyalty to his kingdom, but also his ambition and need for power
Act one is also the act we learn about Macbeth's plan to murder Duncan, which would make the prophecies all come true.
'For brave Macbeth, well he deserves that name;
'In thunder, lightning or in rain'
'All hail Macbeth! Hail to thee, thane of Glamis
'All hail Macbeth! Hail to thee, thane of Cawdor
'All hail Macbeth!
'I have no spur to prick the sides of my intent, but only vaulting ambition'
Macbeth kills Duncan in this act, they frame the guards that were outside of duncans's door.
Malcolm and Donalbain flee Scotland in fear they were also going to be killed, leaving the throne open to Macbeth
Lady Macbeth also mocks her husband for not wanting to go through with their plan, therefore almost forcing him to go along with it
Macbeth has started to doubt his best friend and has hired murderers to kill Banquo and Fleance. Banquo dies but Fleance escapes.
Later, Lady Macbeth and her husband host a party, where Macbeth hallucinates that Banquo's ghost is there with them, which highlights Macbeth's guilt for the two people he has already killed.
Macbeth boasts about the fact he can never be killed.
Lady Macbeth is driven into insanity where she kills herself after showing how guilty she is.
A fight breaks out between Macbeth's army and Macduff's army, Macduff wins and kills Macbeth by cutting his head off
Macbeth has growing fears about Macduff's loyalty, which are then increased by the second lot of prophecies that Macbeth receives from the witches.
Because of his paranoia, Macbeth then proceeds to kill Macduff's family when Macduff goes to England to make an army to fight against Macbeth.
Macduff then becomes desperate for revenge against Macbeth