Decision making and Strategy

Strategic planning (SP)

Popular managerial approach


Organization's mandate, mission, and values

Organization's internal and external environment

Identification of strategic issues

Positive organizational performance (OP)

Harvard policy model

Synoptic planning theory

Goal-setting theory

New Public Management (NPM)


Formulating and reporting on goals

Have different forms before NPM


Mintzberg (1994)

SP does not necessarily contribute to strategic thinking

Martin (2014)

Big lie of SP

Relationship between SP and OP

Meta-analysis design

Difference between public and private Organizations

Difference between the context and research designs

Organizational performance

Efficiency and effectiveness

Democratic outcomes

Different dimensions

Performance, stakeholders, sources and types of data

Fit between organization and its environment

SWOT analysis

Systematic, rational, and analytical approach

Organization with goal perform better

Logical incrementalism

Overly rational, planned, and fixed

Moderating effect of SP and OP

Degree of participation and comprehensiveness during SP process

Integrative stakeholder participation theory

Analysis of many possible options

Dimensions of OP





Financial performance

U.S. and Non-U.S. context

Common- and multiple source data



Meta-regression analysis

Publication bias

Population effect size was positive and significant

SP had a positive effect on OP

Included moderators predicts 71 percent of the variation

Formal SP had the strongest effect size

Effect sizes were strongest when OP was measured as effectiveness

Contextual moderators (sector, nation) does not works

Relationship between political capital and power

Source of power

Managerial bureaucracy

Task interdependency

Capital (Bourdieu, 1989)

Economic, cultural, social, and symbolic

Cultural endowment from socialization

Social relationship; membership

Material resources

Source of prestige and esteem

Ocasio et al. (2020)

Institutional capital

Organizational capital

Reputational capital

Knowledge capital


Accumulation of capital

Diversification of capital

click to edit

Resource dependence



Organizational outcomes

Career outcomes

Organizational performance

Decisions (agenda control; rules of the game)