Transfers to Social Welfare, Cultural and Charitable Institutions - Bequests, devises, legacies or transfers to social welfare, cultural and charitable institutions, no part of the net income of which inures to the benefit of any individual, shall not be subject to estate tax, provided that not more than thirty (30%) percent of the said bequests, devises, legacies or transfers shall be used by such institutions for administrative purposes
Withdrawal of Deceased Bank Accounts -
- Yes. Sec. 97 of the NIRC provides that a bank who has knowledge of the death of a person who maintained a bank deposit account alone, jointly with another, such bank shall allow any withdrawal from the account subject to a final withholding tax of 6%. This is allowed even before securing a certificate authorizing registration for the estate, as the latter is necessary only prior to the registration of any property in the name of an heir.
- However, RR 12-2018 qualifies this by providing that an eCAR certificate must be presented by an executor, administrator or any of the legal heirs prior to withdrawing from the bank account if the bank deposit accounts have either been: 1) duly included in the gross estate; and 2) the estate taxes have been paid: