Major psychological disorders
Anxiety disorders
anxiety- diffuse, vague, unpleasant feeling of fear and apprehension
rapid heart rate, shortness of breath, diarrhoea, loss of appetite, fainting, dizziness, sweating, sleeplessness, frequent urination and tremors
Generalized anxiety disorder
prolonged, vague, unexplained intense fears that are not attached to any particular object
Panic disorder
Worry and apprehensive feelings about the future, always scanning the environment for danger, motor tension is high so the individual is unable to relax and its visible because of the symptoms like shaking and shivering
recurring anxiety attacks in which person experiences intense terror, abrupt surge of anxiety rising to its peak
symptoms- trembling, palpitations, dizziness, shortness of breath, nausea, chocking, chest pain, discomfort, fear of going crazy, feeling of dying
irrational fears related to specific objects, people or situations
Usually starts with general anxiety disorders
3 types-
specific, social and agoraphobia
1) specific- most common
2) social- intense fear of embarrassment when dealing with others
3) agoraphobia- develop a fear of entering unfamiliar places/situations and thus scared of leaving their home
Separation anxiety disorder-
fearful and anxious about separating from attachment figure
obsessive compulsive disorders-
they have no control over their actions, ideas and thoughts
inability to stop thinking about something -- obsessive
compulsive-- need to perform single task/ behaviour over and over
trauma and stress related
recurring dreams, flashbacks and stuff, emotional numbing,impared concentration
Physical symptoms in the absence of physical disease
frequent visits to the doctor so constant discomfort in life
illness anxiety
persistent preoccupation of developing a serious illness and constantly worrying about it
conversion- stuff like paralysis happening because of shit ton of stress
disassociative disorders
dissociative identity
depersonalization/derealization disorder
dissociative amnesia
extensive but selective memory loss that has no cause
multiple personality
traumatic experiences in childhood
dream like state, person separated from both self and reality
sense of reality is lost
depressive disorders
depressed mood or loss of pleasure in almost all activities
symptoms can include change in body weight, constant sleep problems, tiredness, inability to think clearly, thoughts of death and suicide
excessive guilt and feeling of worthlessness