SECTION I: PART I ✏ : General and Specific Goals of Turkish National Education System
SECTION I: PART II ✏ : Main Principles of Turkish National Education System
1) General Goals
2) Specific Goals
Along with providing individuals with occupation opportunities, it is cruical to be a collaborator in comtemporary civilazations as a country and community altogether. Individuals are aimed to be educated as those who are closely acquainted with their culture and responsibilities to the republic, have a sense of developing their country and are strongly bounded and faithful to the principles of Atatürk the founder of Turkish Republic.
All specific goals are thought thoroughly and systematically to implement general goals.
3) Guidance
7) Atatürk's Principles and Reforms and Atatürk Nationalism
13) Cooperation between families and school and education campuses
2) Needs of individuals and community
1) Generalisation and Equality
6) Perpetuity
8) Democracy Education
4) Right to education
9) Secularism
10) Scientificness
5) Opportunity Equality
11) Planning
14) Anywhere Education
12) Coeducation
Regardless of gender, religion, language or nation, all education instutions are open to public without compromises and exceptions. 👥 In all around the world, education is highly emphasized in ongoing global world. Exhange students are a good example of this part. Whether their religion, gender tendencies,language or nation are different, they are all educated in the same learning environment equally.
Turkish national education system is planned and implemented on account of demands and requirements of individuals and community as a whole.
In addition to running programme, individuals are guided to various fields considering their abilities and demands.
Everyone has a right to be educated in primary schools. Other degrees are optional.
Regardless of the gender, all individuals are provided to have equal rights and opportunities. Additionally, there are individuals who are successfull but cannot afford their education. These people are provided extra chances to equalize everyone in the education. Scholarships and credits are parts of this. In Turkey, they are called for university students as KYK.
Individuals are aimed to continue their learning process along their lifespans. For instance, mass education is another type of education providing people with desirable education at any age levels.
Atatürk's reforms and principles are to be considered and implemented by prepared schedules to any levels. Additionally, Turkish language teaching should not be ignored in education.
Individuals are gained to have democracy knowledge and thanks to this, they are all free to make their own decisions.
Education is not related with religions. It is planned and implemented independently.
Every education plan is conducted in relation to technological advances and science.
Education is planned with regard to the aims of the state and individuals considering technological advances and science. Additionally, it is cruical to be set proper learning environment and hierarchical status of officials.
Without any discrimination, males and females are educated at the same learning environment. TNES highlights that if there is no opportunity to do this, there can be formed single gender classes.
Cooperation among parents and schools is conducted with parent-school association. Those associatons have a right to implement some activities at schools. For instance, in my secondary school, our parents used to cook some things, bring them to the school and sell them. Then, they used to deliver the whole money to the administers to fix goods in the school. On the other hand, if there are many formal and non-formal (mass) education in a place, then, education campuses may be built.
Other than formal aims, education is conducted and implemented anywhere. This part is highly related with lifelong education. Anywhere and anytime, people are exposed to education seeing that education is not only on the paper. It is the life experience.
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