WITTFC Tutorial 1
Our relationship to culture during COVID
Concerts are less available.
A lot of media we consume is based on our friends and family who we are seeing less.
Literature vs literature
High brow literature like classics.
Fantasy and genre fiction, digital media is little l literature
To kill a mockingbird
Bronte sisters
George orwell
Tik tok book reviews or youtube reviews
YA fiction
Literature for the masses. What the audience is wanting.
For fun!
Making you work for it
Structure and under the surface.
Why is little l literature important?
Smaller group of people for L
More modern dealing with current topics
Representing wider groups of people
May be easier to understand concepts from big L literature
Do you think reading is on the decline.
Reading material is consumed in different formats.
Change in climate in the world they want to read something smaller and light-hearted rather than news.
More things are videos
You still read more but in different formats.
Elitism, what we should be consuming.
Material books vs electronic
Less distraction
You can see how much you've read as an acomplishment.
The smell
Nice to look at
Extra baggage, where are you going to store them?
What makes you buy books?
Tik tok recommendations
Ebook advertising on facebook
Friend recommendations
Book reviews
What might our cultural background, childhood, class and gender, have on what to read?
Reading in childhood can promote reading as they grow up.
Books that are required to read in school can affect the way you read and your interest in reading.
Disability can make people either enjoy reading more or less.
Classics as Elitism?
When the first language isn't English they may enjoy it less.
Female characters compared to more masculine dominated novels.
Social status can change reading habits.
A lot of books don't have ethnic backgrounds that reflect reality.
Ideas you engaged with
Like a journal
Refer to the rubric
Submit on FLO at the end of the semester.