CONFLICT: The United States wanted to prevent the expansion of Soviet communism at any cost during the Cold War. That is why during the Argentine coup d'état to the Peronist government, the United States, through Washington, supported the commanders of the three armed forces, Jorge Rafael Videla, Emilio Massera and Orlando Agosti (Military Junta) to overthrow the constitutional government of María Estela Martínez de Perón, influenced by Soviet communism, who assumed the presidency after the death of General Juan Domingo Perón.
We can see how during the course of the cold war, more exactly in 1973, Argentina would begin with its own recovery of democracy, here it was evident how it had such influences from other countries, but in 1976 this self-styled dictatorship of National Reorganization would be established.
During this period of time also the military dictaruship led to an end. In the same way also the peronism ban period wich basically contributed to the country becouse there were the first free eleccions at the country
More focused in 1976 we could see how the military forces fight against the government established at thoose years
During the history of Argentina (1963-1983) a marked political instability was evidenced, the imposition of long-term dictatorships and certain acts of violence in the framework of the Cold War (1947-1991) we can see how the government handed over the civilians without conditions, establishing a broad consensus in respecting the democracy established within the country, due to this the coupe d'etat in Argentine were over.
In relation with the adaptation argentine have in the cold war we could see how the country consider great britain as its first economic Allie only during the first 3 years of the peronist Governemnt
In the same way we could see how in relation with this cold war Argentine was the first south America country that during that time it established diplomatic relations with the USSR
Juan Domingo Perón
During the first government of the former military man Juan Domingo Perón, the first moves were made in relation to the Cold War. While most countries cut relations with the Soviet Union, Peron's administration reestablished relations with the Moscow government that were cut since the time of the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917.
U.S. government had hit the Argentine economy through the Marshall Plan implemented as of January 1, 1948 through the Economic Cooperation Association (ECA)
Even thought the formal president of Argentina endorsed the Rio de Janeiro Pact, Juan Domingo Perón did not grant military bases to the Americans, nor did it submit to Washington's dictates through the OAS.
USSR offered Argentina industrial products from the German Democratic Republic, such as trucks and airplanes, plus support in the diplomatic claims for sovereignty over the Malvinas Islands in exchange for the liberation of the South Atlantic for fishing.