Digital Communications - AT1 Advertising Campaign

Due Date

Week 9 (Sun 27th March)


2x Instagram posts

1x billboard

1x bus shelter poster

Technical Specifications


Size: 1080 x 1080px

Colour mode: RGB



Size (Actual): 6 x 3m

Size (Document): 60 x 30cm

Bleed: 20mm

File Type: PDF (Press Quality)

Process (Ideation)

1.1 Clarify brief details by asking teacher/client questions

1.2 Research and document key information about project

1.4 Identify gaps in market

1.3 Explore and evaluate key information about client

1.5 Generate a variety of ideas for advertising campaign

1.6, 1.7 Use ideas to develop 2 different concepts. Evidence using thumbnail sketches and written descriptions and include key information about project and client

1.8 Pitch concepts to peers and choose 1 based on feedback

1.9 Develop and refine selected concept through discussion with peers

1.10 Present refined concept to peers for final feedback

Colour mode: CMYK

Resolution: 300ppi

File type: JPG

All fonts and strokes must be converted to outlines

Crop marks must be included at the edge of the bleed area

Process (Production, Evaluation and Pitch)

2.1 Create all advertisements in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and/or InDesign

2.2 Complete self-evaluation of advertisements

2.3, 2.4 Seek feedback from peers and make modifications accordingly

2.3, 2.4 Reflect on modifications and continue refining to achieve desired effect

4.1 Present advertisements to teacher/client and explain key aspects of campaign

4.2 Seek and document feedback from teacher/client

4.3 Respond to questions asked by teacher/client

4.4 Based on feedback, reflect on how process and outcomes could be improved

4.5 Document key learning outcomes of project

4.6 Upload Instagram advertisements to Instagram


3.1 Export advertisements as final file types

3.2 Write rationale for project