




Sustainable life

buy organic products

ride to work on a bike

use green electricity

three pillar model

belonging together

Social part

enviromental part

economic part




climate change

food should be grown organically

stop using pesticeds

farm animals --> should be given fodder which was produced at the farm

use natural resources more sparingly

cars __> petrol and fuel will be exhausted

Electric cars are better

business and industry

only find products in supermarket which were produce seasonal in your region

bananas, mangos etc. are imported by air --> causes pollution

global economy --> causes emissions

better education

better training opportunities

equal rights for all genders

fighting poverty

prosperity for the whole humanity

one berverage manufactuerer: big influence on small villages

water is taken by industrial countries

living sustainable is important for more people then one´s own

many enterprises: enviromental awareness

not all products which seem fairtrade are fairtrade!

customers should be well informed

be careful of what you consume