What is Literacy in the Digital Age?

Critical Literacy

“Learning to read and write as part of the process of becoming conscious of one’s experience as historically constructed within specific power relations" (O'Byrne, 2018).

"Critical literacy moved the reader’s focus away from the “self” in critical reading to the interpretation of texts in different environmental and cultural contexts" (O'Byrne, 2018).

"As they read, individuals can accept, reject or reconstruct the ideologies presented in the text to support their own life experiences" (O'Byrne, 2018).

Digital Literacy

It's a process we might use during reading.

We use critical thinking and metacognitive actions to use this way of literacy.

Digital Literacy is a newly learned skill used strictly through the internet and/or media. This skill can be used to research, evaluate, educate, and for entertainment.

"Digital literacy is used to conceptualize digital reading in the broader framework of reading as literacy that involves a process of integration and construction situated in social and cultural practices" (Coiro, 2020, p. 4).

"A holistic approach to cultivating skills that allow people to participate meaningfully in online communities, interpret the changing digital landscape, understand the relationship between systematic-isms, and information, and unlock the power of digital tools for good" (Collins, 2021, p. 2).

Improving Research Skills with Effective Keywords

Students need to use precise keywords when using the search engine.

The activities shown in the video will keep the students engaged because of the use of computers and partner work.

This can help students when completing research projects.

The students vocabulary skills will improve because they are using synonyms in their search engines.

This allows the students to go deeper into their researching.

Truth comes into play when discussing critical literacy. This is defined as "the ideas or perspectives that were determined and propagated by the group that held power" (O'Byrne, 2018).

I believe this is how we use digital literacy of today. Research is a process.

Dialectic is an argument of thesis, antithesis, and synthesis. A synthesis is when these two ideas blend together to create a new idea of your own.