Climate Change
Water Pollusion
Animals losing homes
Extinction of animals
Leads to urbanization
What are my passions?
Without nature and things to paint or draw art would be very dull
If they remove the farmlands where the fresh vegetables are made and replace them with factories and houses then there will be a lack in resources for those who want to create with food
All of these would be really hard with muggy air due to air pollution as it gets hard to breath and would make everything very hard to do to a high standard
Lack in resources
cause higher powers to fight over limited resources
Can lead to wars
Without the resources and inspiration of nature and things like that, designing would be very hard
It makes me really sad and frustrated when I see rubbish all over the place, trees being chopped down for urbanization, people not respecting the earth or things on the earth (People and Animals)
Watching nature get destroyed on documentaries of our earth really upsets me cause you can see the resources that come out of some of projects that humans do but at what cost, there must be other ways in collecting resources then destroying the homes of animals and people
I see people on the news talking about it what they are planning on doing and the problems at hand but they never take actions on the problem, they just brush over it and focus on the wrong things in the media
I love going on nature walks and taking photos of wild flowers and scenery but if the problem of climate change continues then this is something that I won't be able to do anymore
it makes me scared that future generations aren't going to be able toe experience the greatest and vastness of nature and the wonders because of the actions we are taking in this world to expand our cities. They will only hear about these things in stories and photos and wish that they could experience things like that.
The issue of climate change is an issue that emotionally frustrates me because the little actions that people make, even thought they make little changes, they aren't big enough to make a big enough dent in the climate change issue and if only the higher power would act on there promises of helping and doing something then maybe, just maybe, we wouldn't be in such an issue as we are in now
Air pollution
My big idea is to create an animation on what is happening in our world at the moment due to climate change and how if we don't do anything now, in 10 years our world is going to be very different. Then it will cut to the what can we do to help and go over somethings we can do to improve our ways of living to be more climate friendly