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Week 07: Financial Stewardship - Coggle Diagram
Week 07: Financial Stewardship
As you work your way through this unit, please consider the following questions and record some of your thoughts in your Learning Journal:
What "temporal blessings" am I currently a steward over?
1- House (rent), 2- Apartament, 3- Education, 4- Marjô Company (I can bless other peoples), 5- A Car (I need take care more), 6- All things in my home, 6- Laptop, Celphone
How am I doing in my role as a steward over those temporal blessings I possess?
I need to be better steward to take care my car, really and improve my company and studies
What personal sacrifices am I prepared to make in order to become the best steward over my temporal blessings?
I'm working a lot! Everyday. I wake up early to study and try to study all the time I have.
Gatheting Discussion
What do you think the “will to prepare” means for you in BYU-Pathway? What does it mean as applied to your family life?
For me in BYU Pathway, will to prepare means to wake up early wvery day and study, even I tired, and improve my english. This is a practice application.
What can doing hard things, and pushing on through doubt or discouragement, teach you?
I like to think about Presidente Nelson words: The Lord loves the efforts, if I have this words in my mind I can work, study and do all think hard that I need to do, even and principaly hards things.
What can you do to get your Heavenly Father’s help, not to take away your challenges, but to walk you through them? Why does He care about your success?
Family Counsil
What is a family council?
Family council is the way to resolve a question important in family
What purpose can it serve?
As I said in the last topic, family council there are to resolve specific question.
How will holding regular family councils help you and your family to become more unified in your approach to finances?
I would like so much to get make a family counsil, but I until now my wife and I don´t have union in this case...
How will holding regular family councils create a wiser approach to financial stewardship in your own life?
I believe that family councils happen with love and with the Holy Ghost, so this can help
Counsel with the Lord
Who could/should be part of your first financial "family council"?
All our family
How will a family council with this person or these people make you a wiser steward over your temporal blessings?
Is we be unified, with the same proposal, we can get goals.
How will you make "counseling with the Lord" part of your personal family council plan?
Maybe I can fast and pray before the counsil family to invite Him and Help me with this task
How will involving the Lord in your family council build unity and better financial stewardship for you and your family?
The Lord knows all thing and He can help me to management financial in my family. I really need your help, because financial is a really sensitive part in my wedding
Make Tithing a Priority
What is the law of tithing?
Tithing means 10 percent all our profits. It is an old gospel law.
Why is it sometimes difficult to fulfill? What specific challenges (if any) have you had with living this law?
Sometimes emergency happen, or the profits it is so small, or we don´t have a good financial management.
What are the core differences between the "Common Approach" and the "Self-Reliant Approach"?
The priorities
Why should payment of tithes and offerings take priority over the payment of living expenses?
I think this is a signal to the Lord, that what is more important to us
What are the benefits of building up financial security before making payment on living expenses?
Because the probability that do´t save money is so big, if we don't follow this order.
How does the "self-reliant" approach to budgeting help you to become a better steward over your finances?
As a talent parable, follow this way, I think that we are more like wise servant
The Blessings of Tithing
What problem did this girl face as she received her inadequate paycheck?
She don't have necessary money for her expenses. Including she needed to decide by tithing or school
Has there ever been a time where you have faced a similar situation?
No about tithing, but all things by the day
What blessings came to her as she chose to pay her tithing first?
Lord always suport me and my family
What blessings can come as you choose to faithfully put the Lord and his law of tithing first in your own financial stewardship?
I believe that Lord blessing in all area in our live, His promises is that open tha windows of haven
A Generous Fast Offering
What is the purpose of fast offerings?
To bless the poors
What blessings can come to others and in return to us as we generously donate each month?
TThe Lord made a promise that I can call for Him, and He will hear me.
What blessings have come to you as either a giver or receiver of generous fast offerings?
During All my life I believe and live this two laws, I can see so clear that financial´s blessing, even some times it is so hard, but God always bless me and my family with we need.
W07 Writing Lesson: Evaluating Sources
Are the links functional?
Based on your current essay topic, how important is it for you to use current source materials?
It is importante to use current source because it support my essay with credibility
Would less recent source materials work just as well? Why or why not?
The things change so fast, so, a less recent source, may be it is wrong
What type of source would best align with the topic you’ve selected?
I thing specialist quotes,
How should your intended audience inform the types of sources you choose to draw from?
example of peoples, real cases
What qualifications do you feel your source authors should have in order to be considered “authoritative” on your topic?
They need experience in financial market
What domain suffix would likely give you the most reliable and authoritative information?
Maybe .edu
What steps can you take to ensure that the information you are citing is accurate? Take into consideration the topic you have selected as well as the audience you are trying to reach.
I can do a lot of research, loog:
if make sense with my purpose
Is the source current?
Is the source relevant?
Is the source authoritative?
Is the source accurate?
Does the source have a clear purpose?
Based on the audience and purpose of this essay assignment, what do you think should be the intended purpose of the sources you chose to cite?
I think that I need clear experience, facts about te subject