Orders of Amphibians

Order Gymnophiona

Order Caudate

Order Anura

frogs have more powerful jumps and longer legs while toads have small jumps

frogs have smooth skin while toads have bumpy skin

frogs & toads lacks tails, but have long legs so they can jump

they both need to be near water to reproduce but toads live farther away from the water than frogs do

2400 species of frogs & toads

toads have glands near the back of their heads that release poison to discourage predators from eating them

400 species of salamanders & newts

live in moist areas

salamanders live in moist areas while newts are aqautic

salamanders have long slim bodies with necks & tails

salamanders lay their eggs in water and larvae have gills

salamanders have four legs, thin moist skin, and cannot live away from water

adults salamanders eat worms, frog eggs, insects, and other invertebrates

150 wormlike species of cacelians

burrow in soil and feed on worms & other invertebrates

have internal fertilization and and lay their eggs in moist soil near water

legless & womless

skin covers their eyes so they might be nearly blind

live in tropical forests