American Deaf Community

Hard of hearing




Deaf people cannot hear many sound

Deaf children and adults in the 1800s were typically isolated

Can hear many founds but not all sounds

Most children are deaf due to illnesses during pregnancy's

Semi-mute was used to describe deaf people who were born hearing but lost their hearing during infancy

Many deaf and hearing people prefer a more respectful term as deaf or hard of hearing

Many children lost their hearing to common diseases

They usually had good speech

Diseases whooping cough and scarlet fever

Through manufacturing progress employers found deaf people to be very capable

Currently the accepted phrases are deaf and heard of hearing

The deaf wouldn't go to school and stayed on farms throughout their lives

As manufacturing progressed there were better opportunities and more jobs available for them

The would move to cities were there was better opportunities and were they knew they were better off

There a community of the deaf which is those who consider themselves deaf and are accepted by the community

Throughout the years the evaluation of deaf clubs have progresses

In the deaf community, it was said that hearing loss was not important fact or meaning maybe everyone was able to be part of it

Hard of hearing were also considered into the deaf community

Deaf people also had their share of sub communities groups