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Trados - Coggle Diagram
Splitting Segments
Imagine that you would like to replace the semicolon with a full stop in both languages.
1) put full stop and write the sentence with capital letter in source and target segment.
2) split the segments:
:<3: click the Disconnect (this will disconnect source and target segment)
:<3: place the cursor behind the full stop, then click the right mouse button, and select the
command Split Segment from the context menu
:<3: Repeat the above step for the target segment :<3: click on number 9 in source
- PDF documents are always treated as MS Word documents.
External Preview
:<3: File (top, left)
:<3: Print and View
:<3: View In
:<3: Microsoft Word as Target
This opens the target document in MS Word proper. Here you can, for example, check the layout, print the document for proofreading from paper, etc
the target document contains an additional empty paragraph (p.80)
Real-time Preview
to look at a target document just in the program we can:
:<3: Preview (right, middle)
:<3: Click here to generate initial preview
if the Preview window in not available because you closed it you can: Reset Window Layout
:<3: File
:<3: Save Target As
:<3: name (sample_PDF.docx) You may want to change the name of the target file, e.g. to sample_PDF_de.DOCX
:warning: The file sample_PDF.docx is available in the folder where the original PDF document resides, as the
PDF has been converted in the background to DOCX when you opened the file
- Empty lines that result from merging across paragraphs might have to be removed manually from the target file
- If you do not want segment pairs to be stored in the TM, just do not confirm them, i.e. leave them in draft status
- The target file will always be saved in DOCX format (i.e. not PDF).
- TM gives full segment matches and their corresponding translations ( Click to open the dialog box. -> Klicken Sie, um das Dialogfeld zu öffnen)
TM does NOT give you segment fragments such as ( Click open.....)
- Terminology and segment fragments can be suggested from Termbases and AutoSuggest dictionaries. However, they can be not available. In this case you have only TM.
It would (of course) be good if the TM could also suggest segment fragments in addition to full segment matches - similar to the way AutoSuggest dictionaries and termbases provide matching fragments.
Imagine that we have in TM (Dialog box -> Dialogfeld)
In the sentence (A dialog box will pop up.) we have a (dialog box).
TM can automatically suggest the required term while you are translating.
Every TM that you create will automatically be enabled for what we call whole TU fragment matching
Sample Files / Fragment matching\01 / Whole Fragment Matches.docx / Editor
When we translate the first segment, the window above the document appears and shows a segment fragment match.
When you start typing the translation of the same word in the other line, the target term will be automatically suggested as soon as you type the first letter. Press Enter.
TU fragment matches are marked with the following icon:

In the Fragment Matches window (above the text) whole TU fragments are marked with the following icon:
Here we have not two words but a sentence in which we have the combination of words we need (A dialog box will pop up. -> Es öffnet sich ein Dialogfeld.)
New segment to translate: The dialog box has to be closed.
We can recognize the word in a string of words with the help of fine alignment - determines which fragments in the source segment correspond to which fragments in the target segment
Preparing your TM for Fragments from Partial TUs
- before you can use fragment matching from partial TUs, you have to configure some settings in your TM (shoud have at least 5,000 TUs)
Sample Files\Fragment matching\02 / Partial Fragment Matches.docx
:<3: Translation Memory and Document Settings (window)
:<3: Use
:<3: File-based Translation Memory
:<3: English -> German
warning triangle next to the TM name indicates that this TM is not yet enabled for partial TU matching.

to make it available you shoudl:
:<3: click Update check box
:<3: Ok
:<3: Close
:<3: OK
Configuring Partial TU Fragments for your Project
- by default, partial TU fragment matching is not active. to activate, we should:
:<3: Project Settings
:<3: All Language Pairs
:<3: Translation Memory and Automated Translation
:<3: Search
:<3: (right side) select 2 as value for the options Minimum words for a match and Minimum significant words in a match (means that segment fragments need to have at least two
words to be suggested. This prevents you from getting potentially short and potentially useless suggestions such as house, car, etc)
:<3: OK
Using Partial TU Fragments while Translating
- Partial TU fragments are marked in the Fragment Matches (above the text) with this icon:
If you click on the fragment match, it will expand to show the full context.
- You can retrieve entire segments as well as segment fragments from a TM
- Using a technique called ‘fine alignment’, the TM can also determine which source fragment of a
larger segment corresponds to which fragment in the target segment. That way, the TM can also
suggest segment fragments from partial TUs.
- For the fine alignment to work, the TM should contain at least 5,000 units. Also, you need make
sure that partial TU fragment matching is enabled in the project settings
you can customize the layout of the windows
you can also customize how text is shown in the editor
how differences between a match from the TM and the segment in the editor are marked.
* Setting the Font Size for the Editor
:<3: File
:<3: Options
:<3: Editor. click on the small plus symbol to expand the list of options
:<3: Font Adaptation
:<3: Activate the Adapt Font sizes
:warning: 18 (the maximum font size - в традосі ще більше є) is useful when the source document uses very large font sizes in the source text (e.g. 120 points), which would take an unreasonable amount of space on your screen.
* Selecting your Preferred Language Pair
:<3: File
:<3: Options
:<3: Editor. click on the small plus symbol to expand the list of options
:<3: Language
Changing the Colors in the Translation Results Window
:<3: File
:<3: Options
:<3: Editor. click on the small plus symbol to expand the list of options
:<3:Translation Results Window
:warning: If you change the setting in the Options dialog, SDL Trados Studio will remember this setting until you change them again
Active Terminology Recognition
:warning: Some words in the source segments are highlighted with red bracketed lines that indicates that they have been found in the termbase. :smiley:
:warning:the target term can be inserted from:
.....:check: the AutoSuggest dictionary. The translation is marked by the green/yellow icon
.....:check: the Termbase. The translation is marked by gray icon
.....:check: the Termbase but a bit differently (the second recognized term in the current segment is color cartridge)
To insert the target term into your translation use the shortcut key combination Ctrl+Shift+L.
This will open a list with all termbase suggestions.
Displaying the Full Termbase Entry
It can be useful to view the entire termbase entry rather than only the source and target term
:<3: Term Recognition window
:<3: Right-click the selected term and select View term details
.......We will see an alphabetically sorted list of some other terms on the left-hand side
.......A termbase entry can contain also additional information such as definitions, graphics...
:<3: Move the mouse pointer out of the Termbase Viewer window, it will hide automatically.
Adding Terms on the Fly (from the document to the termbase)
:<3: Highlight the word paper in the source segment by double-clicking it.
:<3: Highlight its equivalent in the target segment
:<3: click the right mouse button on one of the highlighted terms
:<3: Add New Term
:<3: Save this Entry button
the term paper is now highlighted with a red bracketed line. click Ctrl+Shift+L to open a list of available target terms.
Inserting Tags
:<3: View
:<3: Full Tag Text
:<3: stop translating just before the word with a tag.
:<3: Ctrl+,
:<3: Select the entry <bookmarkstart name=“clearance“/> from the list.
:<3: Type the target equivalent for clearance
:<3: Ctrl+,
:<3: select the <bookmarkend name=“clearance“/> tag
:<3: Enter
:<3: Ctrl+Enter
Interactive Tag Verification
if we forget about a bookmark start/end tag pair, than there will be an arror......Move the mouse pointer over the icon. This will display the reason for the error. :<3: insert the tags using the Ctrl+,
If you neglect to insert tags, and you do not confirm the segment, no error will be displayed.
Adding Comments
you can add comments only to the target segment to
:check: Flag a translation that you need to check on later
:check: Provide information for the reviewer, proofread, project manager
If you want to add a comment
:<3: Select a word or the whole text in your translation, e.g. by double-clicking it
:<3: Right-click the highlighted word (Add Comment)
:<3: enter the comment text
:<3: OK
......(the word will be highlighted. move the mouse pointer over it. the comment text (including the name of the user who added it will be displayed)
.....(you can add another comment to the same segment or expression/word)
If you want to edit a comment
:<3: right-clicking the commented expression/word or segment
:<3: Edit Comment
:<3: OK
If you want to make a comment for the whole document.
:<3: Select a word or the whole text in your translation, e.g. by double-clicking it
:<3: Right-click the highlighted word (Add Comment)
:<3: select Current File
:<3: enter the comment text
:<3: OK
if you want to see all comments in a document (or several open documents),
:<3: click the Comments tab (btw the translation and Term recognition window)
For each comment you will see the comment text, the name of the document the comment was found in, the date/time, etc

Display Filtering
To display specific segments:
:<3: Review (top)
:<3: All segments
:<3: Segment Review
:<3: With comments.
this settings will be shown here
to delete comment we need to
:<3: click in the Comments window
:<3: Delete Comment
To display all segments again:
:<3: Review (top)
:<3: General segments
:<3:All segments
:<3: Segment Review
Running Tag Verification on the Whole Document
After translating a document you should run a tag verification on the entire text
:<3: Review
:<3: Verify (F8) If tag errors are found, they will be listed in the Messages window instead of Translation Results.
:<3: Double-click the message to jump to the segment in which the problem has been found.
Message types:
:check: Errors (red) are serious problems. can even prevent you from saving the translation back in its native format :silhouette: :smiley:
:check: Warnings (yellow) point to problems that might, for example, lead to a loss of formatting, bookmarks, etc., usually do not prevent you from saving the translation in its native
:check: Notes (white) usually point to cosmetic issues such as missing spaces around tags
Save: Ctrl+S
Selecting the Second File in the Package
To switch to the second document take the following steps:
:<3: Files View (bottom, left)
In SDL Trados Studio you can have several documents open at the same time.
the name of the documents is still being shown in a tab in the Editor view. You can quickly switch back to the first document by clicking the corresponding tab.
After finishing the translation you send back the package to the project manager (or customer) in the form of a return package.
:<3: Projects (bottom, left)
:<3: Right-click the PhotoPrinter Manual project
:<3: Create Return Package
:warning: Progress bars should be 100%
:<3: click Browse and select the location for the return package and the file name
:<3: Finish
:<3: click Send Package by Email (this will automatically create an email using Microsoft Outlook)
:<3: you may also click Open Target Folder (This will launch Windows Explorer, where you can view the file, attach it to an email, upload it to an FTP server)
:<3: Close
Marking the Project as Complete
:<3: Right-click the project name in the Projects view
:<3: select Mark as Complete
:<3: Yes
:warning: When opening a project package in Studio the package content needs to be extracted to an empty folder.
:warning: You can view the translatable project files in the Files view
SDL Trados Studio can be connected to a central SDL GroupShare Server.
You can:
:check: Access centralized projects
:check: Upload and download files to/from a central server over the Internet or an Intranet
:check: facilitates the handling of projects that involve distributed teams.
Rather than sending out package files to project team members, translators can log on to the server and check out the files that they need to process.
:check: logs which files have been checked out by which user.
You can transparently trace who currently owns which files.
:check: avoids conflicts, e.g. two users changing the same file.LOGGING IN TO A GROUPSHARE SERVER
:check: you can do it if you have an access to a GroupShare.
:check: to connect to a GroupShare Server take the following steps:
:<3: File tab
:<3: Setup
:<3: Servers
:<3: Add to add a connection to a GroupShare Server
:<3: enter the server name into the Server Address text field.
:<3: The default port is 80. If the port number needs to be changed, enter the value into the Port text field.
:<3: Next
:<3: On the Authentication page SDL Authentication should be selected as Login Provider
:<3: Enter your user name and password. You can click Remember me not to enter password again next time.
:<3: Finish
.......If you have been successfully connected, then the server should be shown as Available
Now that you are connected to the server you can open projects that have been published through GroupShare, and are accessible to authorized users.
To access a server-based project take the following steps:
:<3: Welcome screen
:<3: Open Trados GroupShare Project.
:<3: Open GroupShare Project window.
.......left-hand side - a list of so-called organizations where projects are stored (e.g. Marketing, User Guides etc.)
:<3: Translators and reviewers can be given access to particular organizations.
......Click on the project organization in the left
......Click n the corresponding name.
:<3: On the following page you see that a folder has been suggested into which the project information file will be downloaded.
.......Leave the suggested location unchanged.
:!!: In this step you will NOT download the actual files to translate, but just the project information file. The files to process need to be downloaded in a
..... separate step (see section below).
:<3: Close.
:<3: Projects view.
.......the server project is now listed in the application.
.......The project icon with the green globe indicates that this is a GroupShare Server project.'
Check-out - the process of downloading files to translate or review.
:<3: Double-click the project to switch to the Files view.
:<3: Right-click the first file, and select Check Out from the context menu.
:<3: Checked out file is marked with a specific icon, :star:
......The name of the user who has checked out the file is stated in the Checked Out To column.
......By checking out the file you have claimed ownership of the document. This means that no other translator or reviewer can check out the file now.
......All authorized users can see who has claimed ownership of a project file.
:<3: You can now translate or edit it just like any other file that you have opened in Studio. CHECKING IN FILES
:check: Check in – to upload the file to the GroupShare Server after you have translated it.
:<3: Files view.
:<3: Right-click the file
:<3: select Check In from the context menu.
:<3: In Check In window you may enter an optional comment.
:<3: Click Check In to upload the file to the server.
:!!: by checking in you have released ownership of the file, which is now availa
:check: to download and install apps (plug-ins) you need to:
:<3: сlick Sign in in the upper-right corner of the Studio application window
:<3: enter your user name (which will be your email address) and your password. LOG IN button.OPENING THE SDL APPSTORE
:<3: Welcome
:<3: click the SDL AppStore
:<3: SDL AppStore window lists the currently installed plug-ins (apps) if you installed them.
:<3: To browse for apps, click the AppStore tab on the left-hand side.
......(Most of the apps are available for free. You can filter for free or paid apps, and by app category)SEARCHING FOR AN APP
plugin called Wordlight - allows you to highlight expressions in your target segments using different colours.
:<3: Enter the name (part of it) of the plugin into the search field.
:<3: click the item Wordlight.
:<3: You will have additional information about the program (Studio versions for which the plug-in is available)
.......Click Install button in the lower-right corner.
:<3: Once the app has been downloaded
......a check mark icon will be displayed
......a download complete message above the app list.
:<3: close and restart SDL Trados Studio for the app to become available
:!!: The SDL AppStore was not directly integrated into previous versions of Studio, e.g. Studio 2017 or Studio 2019. In
......older versions of Studio you had to point your browser to the SDL AppStore website, download the plug-in file and install it manually.USING THE WORDLIGHT PLUG-IN
:<3: re-open anyone of the documents that you translated in the Editor view
:!!: there will be additional Wordlight group in the ribbon
:<3: Select any string in the target segment.
:<3: Click the triangle symbol of the Highlight Word (belings to the additional Wordlight group)
......Chose the colour you like your string to look like.
:<3: if you want to remove the color
......the highlight the highlighted string Ctrl+Enter on your keyboardMANAGING PLUG-INS
:<3: Welcome
:<3: click the SDL AppStore icon in the Navigation Pane.
...... will see the Wordlight app listed on the Installed plug-ins page.
.......There is an Update all link you may make sure that you have the latest version of the apps installed.
:<3: if you don’t want this app - click the Uninstall button
:<3: confirm it and restart Trados again
SDL Trados Studio
:check: Translation memory capability
:check: An editing environment for translating and reviewing various source document formats such as Microsoft Office,
...... Desktop Publishing, like Adobe InDesign, tagged formats like XML, HTML, etc.
:check: Automatic quality assurance features
:check: Functionality for creating and managing projects
- 3 different editions of SDL Trados Studio available:
:check: the Professional,
..... has no restrictions
:check: Freelance
......allows you to create AutoSuggest dictionaries for a duration of 30 days after installation.
......then you need to buy an SDL AutoSuggest Creator license
:check: the Starter Edition.
......does not support the creation or use of AutoSuggest dictionaries
- SDL MultiTerm
:check: was designed for searching, editing, creating, and maintaining terminology databases.
:check: Getting Started course only contains some basic information on how to use MultiTerm because it focuses on how to
..... use terminology in the translation process.