Causes of the Life on Land Crisis trees



Poaching and Trafficking

Invasive Alien Species

Biodiversity and Natural Habitat Loss

Drives biodiverse species to extinction

Creates Insecurity and conflict

Among top 5 most lucrative illegal trades globally

Undermines poverty reduction by stripping countries of natural assets

Worth an estimated 23 billion USD annually

Leading cause of biodiversity loss and species extinction

Global threat to food security and livelihood

Climate change facilitates spread of IAS

Reduces resilience of natural habitats

Number of IAS will increase 36% between 2005 and 2050

Since 1990, the world has lost a billion acres of forests

Deforestation increases climate change

Farming, mining, and drilling account for more then half of global deforestation

80% of earths land animals and plants live in forests

250 million people depend on forests for subsistence and income

Leads to loss of clean water

Human heath problems: malnutrition, respiratory disease, lack of clean water

Habitats diminished, food does not grow, water not collected

Climate change amplifies effects

Africa and Asia affected most: 4.18 billion sq kilometers degraded annually

Leading cause is excessive use of water for agricultural irrigation

More than 75% of earths land is already degraded

Rapid loss of natural habitat means rapid extinction of already vulnerable species

Global food demand is a leading cause

Ranges of habitats are shrinking and effects biodiversity

Loss of up to 23% of natural habitats in the next 80 years

Effects natural cycles of ecosystems like reproduction, migration, and mating



