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Data Website Technical Proposal - Coggle Diagram
Data Website Technical Proposal
Data requirements
Data must be used from the Open Data Portal Fuel Price Reporting
All obtained data from users must be securley stored
Algorithmic Components
Fuel Type Selection Algorithm
Search Bar Algorithm
Roadtrip calculator algorithm
Navigation Algorithm
Login/Signup Algorithm
Innovated Digital Solution
Home Page
Simple Black Screen
Contrasting White Text
Descriptive Button to make the application learnable
Search Fuel Prices Button that takes the user to the main functionality
Main Functionality Page
Repeating Colour palettes for text and background colouring
Aligned Tables to Search Bar and Table Headers
Highly accessible functionality
Symmetrical margins on either side
Search Bar that filters the data from lowest fuel price to highest as well as filters for selected fuel type and suburb.
Fuel Type Selection drop down box
Login/Signup Page
Inputs for signup and signup button
Inputs for Login and Login button
Highly distinguishable differences between the login side of the page and the sign up side
Repeating Colouring and black background
Appropriate proximity between inputs and buttons
Roadtrip Calculator Page
Suburb search bars
Input fields for Fuel tank capacity and Current Fuel Amount
Automatic calculating without a submit button needed
Easily identifiable indicators for where values need to be inputted
All items are alligned with eac other
Appropriate placing of items to hae similiar aesthetically appealing proximity
Must be 9-11 Minutes Long
Must be a multi-modal presentation
Sections of Presentation
Mind Map
Prescribed Criteria
Self-Determined Criteria
Description of Application
Existing Solution
HCI of each page of the application
Sample data
Data dictionary
Create a technical proposal
Develop a new innovative solution
The user must be able to view fuel prices and fuel consumption from the state of Queensland
The user should be able to filter data that is relevant to their chosen location
You must analyse the data set from the Queensland Government Open Data Portal to use as an exemplar dataset for the proposal
You must ensure the data has referential integrity
The data must be valid and from a reliable source
The solution has to provide appealing colours that ensure repeating colour pallets
There must be discerning use of the Contrast, Repetition, Aignment and Proximity Design principles
It is required that there be discerning use of the Usability principles Useful, Learnable, Accessible, Effective and Safe
The proposal must be a multimodal presentation
The presentation has to have a length between 9-11 minutes long
Legality around data privacy and security must be adhered to
User Experience
Learnable Interface
Tables with referential integrity to ensure
reliable data
Aesthetically appealing interface
Application tailored towards new inexperienced drivers
Fuel pricing has significantly increased over the past years and as such the need for an application that can track the fuel prices is neccessary
The Markup languaged used is HTML
Using VS code to develop the Web Application
Programmed using Javascript
HTML is styled using the CSS language
Users Device needs to be able to connect to the internet
The Users device must have enough computing power to search through a database on a website