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egg and chick development - Coggle Diagram
egg and chick development
fertalizalization occurs and egg is hatched 24 hours later
a egg is normaly kept in an incubator to keep eggs warm and healthy
a small dark ring forms,the beging of the chick
a small groove apears,the vitaline membrane and will play a large role in nutrition of the embryo
A dark disk apears, the begining of the chick
The embryo is now on its left side for circulation
The vitaline membrane spreads
The brain and cardiac structures including the heart start forming and pulsing
The amniotic cavity surrounds the embryo filling with amniotic fluid
The embryo is finally takes shape with features such as, the vein that is used to exit waste out of the amniotic fluid
if egg that fail to be fertilized are eaten
The egg enters into the second trimester
Large increase in C shape and head grows closer to tail
Upper limbes are forms and secound and third fingers are forming
Eye pigmant is visible
The vitaline membrane almost covers almost the entire yolk
The brain is completly settled into its cavity
appearance of claws and feather follicle development
The nostrils are present, growth of the eyelids, feathers now cover the inferior of the limbs
The beak faces towards the air sell, white is fully obsorbed
The chick peirces the membrane getting to the air cell
The chick is ready to hatch
The chick (still in egg) uses its wing as a guide and legs to turn around
chick peirces the shell in a circular way means by egg tooth
Once the chick has peirced egg it can take around 48 hours for chick to fully hatch
Do not touck egg or chick during this process because there is a high chance of the chick passing away
Once chick has hatce dit is best to leave chick with the rest of the egg so as the chick is cheeping it will encourage the other chicks to hatch
It is ultimatly best after a few minutes to take chicks away from the other,still hatching chicks and leave them with the hen making sure the hen doesnt abandon her eggs for her new chicks
Chicks need to constintantly be by water and feed so the chicks dont get confused and accidently starve
warmth is always needed so the first few months chicks shouldnt live outside or else they may escape or freeze
it would be smart to feed chicks starter feed for the first 1-18 weeks
never let small children handle new cicks for tey are still getting used to their colours, sounds and surroundings
Once chicks are around 6-7 weeks old (may vary based on chick) place chicks in a cardboard box and bring them outside for around 5 minutes as they get older give them more and more time outside until they are conferrable and adjusted
If a chick is sick or dieing you will start seeing decrease in weight,size and colour of feathers, you will need to imediatly take them away from the other chicks incase it has caught desease,take chick to vet and keep chick away from the rest for 2-4 weeks until it has fully recovered
when bathing chicks place tub or bucket outside in the sun
carefully pick up chicks holding it with two fingers on either side of the legs holding chicks tail in your palm
Make sure the water is luke warm not making it to hot or to cold that could possibly cause injuries to their delicate skin
Use your fingers to gently stroke and pour water over the chick using a tooth brush for feathers and feet if necessary
if a chick is older, around 4-5 months old you can see if chicks will gently kick as you hold them along the surface of the water you can gently release cick holding your hands close beside them. If they swim then it will make bathing easier if not gently pick them up again, stroking them calmly
Then gently pick chick out of water and dry them off siftly with a towel removing all soap of chick
Finally turn on a blowdryer to the lowest possible setting and hold it a long distance away from the chick slowly drying it until once againg soft and fluffy