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Snakes-digestive system - Coggle Diagram
How fast do snakes digest food
Snakes digest food by 3-5 days
it takes 3 weeks for a snake to digest another snake that are poison's and large like a python
it takes a snake two weeks to digest a human
where are snakes most commonly found?
deserts are where most poisons snakes are
Eastern brown snake a 60% death rate due to snakes
One place that have a lot snakes is Brazil
how do snakes hear?
snake hears by using sound waves
which cause vibrations in the scull
which is connected to the jawbone which rests on the ground
when are snakes most active
snakes are most active at early mornings
in spring and summer
they are less active in winter
who do snakes eat
snakes eat frogs lizards
other snakes any insect
squirrels and birds
why do snakes eat other snakes
snakes eat other snakes cause to claim dominance
to get lunch
to adapt to other prey
what do snakes do to get away from predators
make holes in the sand to hid
rattle snakes rattle their tail to scare them away
other snakes camouflage them with there surroundings