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Science (Material) - Coggle Diagram
Science (Material)
Ways of separating different solutions
Carbon & salt
Get filtrate and boil
When process is done, you will be left with salt crystals
Use filter paper to filter solution
Add to water & mix well
The hot steem will carry through the pipe at the top and condensate in the collecting jar
Boil with bunsen burner
Now the water and dye will be separate.
Boil wine at 70%c
Alcohol will evaporate and go through collecting pipe.
Alcohol boils & evaporates at around 70%c unlike water = 100%c
The Alcohol will be in your jar- the water in the conical flask
In wine is mostly alcohol & water
Pen dye
Fill a test tube with 1cm of water
On a strip of filter paper, write a spot of pen about an inch above the bottom
Dangle end carefully in water
The soluble ink will seep to the top- least to the bottom. Your inks will separate
Iron filings & sand
Put lid on
Hover magnet above solution
Lift across to empty container
Repeat till separated
Properties= traits of object
Soluble= lets water through
A solution= a mixture of particals
The modern world is producing more convenient fabrics (ex. spray on, nylon ect.)
This is to help you with your science test