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citizen participation mechanisms - Coggle Diagram
citizen participation mechanisms
popular assemblies
a popular assemblies is a local meet of citizen who have very important bussines for the comunity
citizen oversight
the citizen oversight is the mechanism who allows them exercise surveillance about public management about the authorities.for example
the citizen watch out , audit and control the administration and public management
the accountability is obligatori present a documentation or financial other words the accountability mean detail with officers documents
petition rigths
the petition rigths of every body for present requests before the authorities.
the guardianships work when the people is vulnerable or threatened with the fundamental rigth
It is a citizen participation mechanism of the deocratic regiments
when the people choce for a change
revocation of mandate
Revocation of mandate is the mechanism of participatory democracy through which citizens exercise their sovereignty to revoke or remove from office
popular consulting
is a mechanisms
of citizen participation that serves to exercise the right