What Teachers Need to know about Language
explicit teaching of forms: teaching lists of academic vocab words, morphological derications, discourse elements of an argument
best way is to present in text & explore fucntions
example of this: reading a text twice before having students read themselves.
have students write down on post its what they think the sentence meant. (check for understanding)
connect vocab word with real life examples.
awareness of common objects to enhance skill
no child left behind est 2001:
“social promotion” whereby students
are passed to the next grade each year whether or not they have met
academic expectations;
introduced a system of benchmark assessments to evaluate the progres sthat schools and students were making toward meeting those goals.
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theory was that later reading comprehension and
learning challenges all derived from an inadequate foundation in word
reading accuracy and fl uency.
literal vs conversational language
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• teacher as communicator;
• teacher as educator;
• teacher as evaluator;
• teacher as educated human being;
• teacher as agent of socialization.
Chapter 2
language is "the systematic conventional use of sounds signs or wrotten symbols in humon society for communiation and self expression. "
5 components- teacher as communicator
teacher as educator
teacher as evaluator
teacher as educated human being
teacher as agent of civilization
common core state standards :
phonology: study of sound systems of language example : cvc words
morphology: syudy of structure of words. book and s (more than one)
syntax: study of rules governing the way words are combined to form sentences & the rules governing the arrangement of senttences in sequences. rules of sentence structure -
semantics- is the study of the meaning of words phhrases and sentences
chapter 3
children learn communication from imitation and positive reinforcement; bf skinner
SLA:second language aqusation theory
behaviorism theory
critical period hypothesis- younger children have cognitive advances.
interactino hypothesis: learners need interacyions to reach comprehension.
comprehensible output hypothesiis: forcing them tto speak makes them pay attention to what they are saying.
ZPD:zone of proximal development: sc affolding helps students reach high knowledge
noticing hypothesis- students cannot aquire skill unless they notice it.
processability theory: learn skills by how easy they are to access them