Ethical Issues

Ways of Dealing with Ethical Issues:

BPS code of conduct:

Dealing with informed consent:

Dealing with deception and protection from harm:

Dealing with confidentiality:

Ethical Issues: arise when in a conflict/dilemma exists between ppts' rights and researchers' needs to gain valuable and meaningful findings

Informed Consent:

Making ppts aware of the aims of the research, procedures, their rights and what their data will be used for

Ppts should then make an informed judgement whether or not to take part without being coerced/feeling obliged


Deliberate misleading/withholding info from ppts at any stage of the investigation

Despite this, there are occasions when deception can be justified if it does not cause the ppt undue stress

Protection from Harm:

As a result of their involvement, ppts should not be placed at any more risk than they would be in their daily lives, and should be protected from physical/psychological harm

Privacy and Confidentiality:

Ppts have the right to control info about themselves (right of privacy) and if this is invaded the confidentiality should be protected

Personal info must be protected

Briefing and debriefing - reminder that data will be protected and that it will be kept confidential

Ppts referred to as initials or numbers when writing up the investigation

Full debrief - made aware of the aim and any details they were not supplied with during the study

Reminded of their right to withdraw data

Researcher must provide counselling if required

Ppts should be issued with a consent letter, detailing all relevant information that might affect their decision to participate - must be signed to participate

U16s must have a parent/guardian to sign

Researchers must observe the ethical guidelines set by BPS