Gentlemen in Hobson's Choice

Gentlemen Quotations:

Albert and Freddy are reluctant to be seen doing manual labour.

Male characters:

Male characters:

“Freddie: Me wash pots!”

Actions of the gentlemen

Alice and Vickey are snobbish in insisting their young men are not traders and are socially superior to their own father.

"Alice: And look at me. I’d hopes of Albert Prosser till this happened.”

Hobson is dismissive of Will because of his lowly birth.

"Hobson: I wish some people would mind their own business. What does she want to praise a workman to his face for?"

Freddie Beenstock

Albert Prosser

Henry Horatio Hobson

Willie Mossop

Hobson is jealous of Mrs Hepworth's higher social standing.

Albert: Yes, but to push a hand-cart through Salford in broad daylight!
Maggie: It won't dirty your collar.
Albert: Suppose some of my friends see me?

"Hobson: I'll show her. She thinks she owns the earth because she lives at Hope Hall."


Hobson holds the door for Mrs Hepworth

Albert and Freddy are told to help clear the table and wash the dishes

Willie clears the table and does what Maggie tells him to


Quite snobbish


Very overbearing and tries to be the head of the household.




Thinks his daughters are out to defy him


Later on he tries to take his own life, when he is told that he needs to abstain from alcohol, but the doctor prevents it.


Doesn't think he should have to wash pots, thinks it's not his job.

Thinks it is a very embarrassing thing to push a handcart through Salford, scared he will see his friends and they will mock him.

Jim Heeler



Mr Tudsbury

Thinks a pound is too much to pay for a pair of boots.

Timothy (Tubby) Wadlow


Thinks a husband should have control over his wife - laughs at Willie because he is "shy of his wife".


Willie Mossop



Thinks he is very low in the social standing of Salford and doesn't push himself to any ambitions

Lowly and obedient, then more assertive in later life once he becomes richer

Unsympathetic with Willie when he asks him what he would do with a wife like Maggie.