creative imedia



mood boards

mind maps


story board

visualization diagrams

script : A scripting language or script language is a programming language for a runtime system that automates the execution of tasks that would otherwise be performed individually by a human operator. Scripting languages are usually interpreted at runtime rather than compiled.


storyboard: A storyboard is a graphic organizer that plans a narrative. Storyboards are a powerful way to visually present information; the linear direction of the cells is perfect for storytelling, explaining a process, and showing the passage of time. At their core, storyboards are a set of sequential drawings to tell a story.

visualization diagram: Visualization diagrams are a rough drawing or sketch of what the final static image product is intended to look like. They will have annotations to describe the design ideas. Typically, a visualization diagram is hand drawn, but it does not need any artistic skills to communicate ideas.

mind map: the thing we are using now

example ?

client requirements


work plan

target audience

client requirements: Client Requirements means the materials and/or information which is required from the Client in order for the Company to provide the Services, as set out in the Order Form, or as subsequently becomes necessary from time to time in the course of providing the Services.

what is research

what's the best site to create a work plan

target audience: a particular group at which a product such as a film or advertisement is aimed.

research: the systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions.

mood board: A mood board is a type of visual presentation or 'collage' consisting of images, text, and samples of objects in a composition. It can be based on a set topic or can be any material chosen at random. A mood board can be used to convey a general idea or feeling about a particular topic. They may be physical or digital, and can be effective presentation tools



research that comes from books

research from survey or people







